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Comparison of Research Articles

Essay Instructions:
Choose two research articles published by a scholarly (peer-reviewed) journal on a current issue (controversial or otherwise) in health care in America. Suggested topics may include: a study of vaccinations and autism rates; maternal health; fetal health; elder health; disease-based studies such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart disease; the increasing rates of Cesarean sections in birth rates; and managed health care in America. Analyze the articles for content, research methods, focus of the study, target audiences and subjects, and their possible impacts on the future of health care delivery. Create a chart or table for comparing the two articles. Write an essay of 750-1,000 words in length explaining: 1. what topic you chose and why (this may have personal significance to you or it may be a topic of particular interest that you have seen in the news); 2. the significance of the two studies; 3. the sources of funding and monitoring of subjects or content in the studies; 4. your intended method of comparison; and 5. the impact of the studies on health care delivery. (Were the studies intended to change or influence health care delivery? If so, how? If not, what are the implications to health care delivery?) Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is required.
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This paper majors on maternal health. It will be based on comparison of two research articles published by different scholars and the main reason of choosing this topic of study. They are Maternal and Child under Nutrition and Postpartum maternal health care in the United States The two articles will be analyzed by looking at the methods of research, where the study is focused, the audience and target subjects plus the recommendations and the maternal ways of the future. Moreover, this paper is going to look at the impact of the studies on the health care delivery. Has there been a considerable positive impact on the change on the care of pregnant women? If so, how has intense has the impact bee? All this questions are going to be looked at in this paper.
Comparison of Articles on Maternal Health
The whole issue of pregnancy and giving birth has been talked about from time to time. Perhaps this is because it is the main process that boosts the continuation of life, without which the life cycle will come to a standstill. Pregnancy and caring of pregnant mothers are all encompassed in maternal health. Maternal health therefore is the health of the unborn baby and the pregnant mother, the whole process of childbirth and the whole experience after childbirth (Black et al, 2008). The general health of both the baby and the mother during and after childbirth is highly dependent on how they are taken care of.
To begin with, this topic was chosen because of the focus that many health institutions, mainly the World Health Organization, have taken about the many cases of child mortality that have been reported all over the globe. Child mortality comes as a result of many reasons. Many people including mothers and fathers have been on the ignorant side concerning maternal health thereby not knowing the measures to take before, during and after child birth. It is imperative for the public to be informed on prenatal and post natal care (Black et al, 2008). This will aid them to deal with issues and situations including complications during childbirth and breastfeeding. It is due to this need for information that much research has been done on maternal health. The articles are therefore of importance because they give the facts on maternal health, and give out information to curb the rising cases on maternal mortality. Moreover, the articles are aimed at making reproductive health achievable to all the American citizens by suggesting the measures to be taken to do so and also champion for the American health system to prioritize maternal health.
Maternal and Child under Nutrition article focus was on solving the issues of maternal mothers both physical and psychological by analyzing the whole process on maternal health. 1400 women were recruited in early stages of pregnancy at different hospitals. The participants are followed up to periods of 28-31 weeks gestation in pregnancy and later on at intervals of 3 months postpartum by use of interviews and questionnaires to establish how they were fairing on (Black et al, 2008). It was established that physical health tribulations were more in the year after birth thereby making many women depressed during the same year and the main reason behind high maternal m...
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