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Comparison of Collaborative Care for a Patient

Essay Instructions:

Using APA format, write a six (6) to ten (10) page paper (excludes cover and reference page) that addresses the comparison of collaborative care for a patient with a mental health disorder versus a patient with a medical disorder in the acute care setting. The paper consists of three (3) parts and must be submitted by the close of week six. Each part must be a minimum of two (2) pages in length.

A minimum of three (3) current professional references must be provided. Current references include professional publications or valid and current websites dated within five (5) years. Additionally, a textbook that is no more than one (1) edition old may be used.

Part 1

a.Select one (1) mental health disorder and one (1) medical disorder covered within the modules of NUR212 as a basis for your paper. (It must be a disorder that is covered in the content of this course. Other disorders will not be graded.) Compare the two (2) disorders demonstrating similarities and differences. .

b.Discuss how the efforts and resources required to manage the disorders compare to one another. Is the burden a patient with a mental health disorder endures comparable to the burden experienced by a patient with a medical disorder? Explain your response. .

c.Identify two (2) issues that may arise for the patient and/or family when caring for the patients with the identified disorders. Provide two (2) descriptive examples. .

Part 2

a.Identify ethical and legal implications the RN considers when caring for patients with a mental health disorder and medical disorder. .

b.Discuss similarities and differences in the RN’s approach to address the identified implications. .

Part 3

Based on the disorders chosen above, adress the following:

a.Provide an example of how the interprofessional team members can provide collaborative and continuous care in the acute care setting. .

b.Discuss the role of the professional nurse within the team and provide three (3) examples. .

c.Describe how to ensure adherence to medication regimen and follow-up visits - Provide three (3) examples. .

d.What measures would evaluate the effectiveness of the interprofessional plan of care? .

e.How does the RN evaluate the interprofessional team efforts and identify modifications that might be necessary? .

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The comparison of collaborative care for a patient with a mental health disorder versus a patient with a medical disorder in the acute care setting
Institutional Affiliation;
The bipolar disorder also known as the manic disorder is a common illness mainly found in young adults and children as well. Statistics has indicated that this disorder affects close to four million individuals in the United States and is turning out to be a common illness in many nations today (Fleury, Grenier, & Bamvita, 2015). People who suffer from this disease undergo distinct mood swings; depression and mania. The depressive effects can further be divided into subcategories; Bipolar 1, 2, three disorders and Cyclothymia.
Discovered during the ancient Greek periods, the Bipolar disorder has been associated with the chemical imbalances in the brain. This disorder has the capacity to make an individual’s mind go through different changes in thought patterns or rather known as mood swings. An individual suffering from this disease may present two kinds of depression, that is the mania and depression (Fleury, et. al). Patients, therefore, alternate between depression and mania or may experience simultaneous episodes of this mood changes.
The pancreas is a gland situated next to the small intestines with the main purpose of increasing the digestive enzymes that assist in the digestive process if food. The gland is also responsible for the generation of hormones also known as insulin and glucagon that are mainly found in the blood stream. The pancreatitis disorder, therefore, results from the inflammation of the pancreases.
This disease is primarily caused when the pancreatic enzymes digest their glands a factor that results in this disorder. There are two primary forms of the pancreatitis disease; the acute and chronic pancreatitis. Acute pancreatitis occurs when the pancreases heal all by itself without a lasting change in the structure and function of the glands (Fleury, et. al). Chronic pancreatitis, on the other hand, occurs when the pancreas heals, but an inflammation reoccurs thus causing an irreversible change to the function and structure of the pancreas.
Pancreatitis mainly occurs in two forms, in its acute and chronic states. The acute state occurs when the there is a sudden inflammation of the pancreas that lasts only for a short period of time. Patients who fall into this category tend to recover from this disease after getting treatment. However, the server or rather chronic pancreatitis occurs in the event that the pancreas starts bleeding causing severe damages to the tissues that result in an infection. The chronic state of pancreatitis occurs after episodes of acute pancreatitis (Gampetro, Wojciechowski, & Amer, 2012). The primary cause of this disease is attributed to the massive intake of alcohol that ends up damaging the pancreas. This paper therefore seeks to determine the comparison between patients who suffer from mental disorders and those who undergo challenges in medical disorders in an acute care setting.
Similarities and Differences of the Bipolar and Pancreatic Disorders
It is relevant to acknowledge the fact that the central factors distinguishing between this two disorders are on the symptoms that are presented by patients. As indicated, the bipolar patients on many occasions experience instances of shifts in their moods that fluctuate from time to time. Patients presenting symptoms to this disease in their mild states tend to get swings in moods that last for short days, or even weeks. Instances also come where individuals suffering from this disease may have intense emotions, a factor that makes many unaware that they are suffering from this disease.
In contrast to this, the pancreatitis disorder is mainly associated with pains that occur in the upper abdomen walls and traces down to the back of a person. This can be intensified by an excess intake of foods that are high in fats (Gampetro, et.al). Patients with this disorder in most instances may have swollen abdomens, a factor that may be associated with other symptoms of vomiting, and nausea. Increases in the heart beat rates and fever are also other symptoms that are most likely to be diagnosed in a patient with this disorder especially those still in the mild stages.
The chronic state of pancreatitis on the other hand has some similar symptoms with acute pancreatitis. Patients suffering from this illness may develop abdominal pains that may disable their movements (Gampetro, et.al.) Patients are also likely to shed more weight that results from the poor absorption and digestion of food since the glands fail to produce enough enzymes needed for the digestive process.
Bipolar patients are likely to encounter high levels of irritability or excitement. Patients suffering from this illness may also have extremes in elation and delusions of the grandeur (Gampetro, et.al.). Pancreatitis as compared to the bipolar disorder occurs when an individual’s pancreatitis is inflamed, and the digestive systems of individual releases enzymes into the small intestines that in turn affect the pancreas. Pancreatitis may lead to diabetes according to sources especially when the pancreas is damaged.
The symptoms that are associated with include bipolar extremes in mood changes and swings that are either related to happiness, irritability, anger, and unpleasant moods. Patients are therefore more likely to encounter problems with an increase in energy levels and activity that may lead them into talking too much, with ambitions and grandiose plans that are not real (Maclean, Haiyong, French, & Ettner, 2014). Such patients may also engage in dangerous activities such as the abuse of alcohol, sexual indiscretion and spending sprees as an approach to finding comfort. A decrease in sleep levels is also a factor that is associated with the bipolar disorder, a factor that indicates that patients are likely to experience reduced levels of sleep resulting from no fatigues.
It is significant to establish that both of these disorders are similar considering the fact that they have gradual levels accompanied by progressive symptoms. In other words, the bipolar disorder and pancreatitis both occur in their mild and acute states. Both the chronic and the acute states have both the long and the short durations respectively in both the disorders.
Resources required in managing these disorders
Managing patients with bipolar requires a cognitive behavioral therapy that involves a counseling approach geared towards helping patients with this disease to individually control their thought patterns, feelings, and behaviors. Patients who suffer the bipolar disorder through this counseling approach are also informed of the methods that can be employed in the management of stress, realistic and systematic thinking, problem-solving approaches, and lastly relaxation. The introduction of a support group would be a significant factor to consider for patients with the bipolar disorder
Patients with suffering from the pancreatitis disease can also be subjected to a support group and counseling approach to assist them in changing some of their habits such as drinking and smoking. This, therefore, presents a similarity in the mode of management of both the disorders.
Support groups would be an essential element for bipolar patients since it creates a platform in which the patients would learn from other victims of the disorder on how to handle instances and occurrences of this disease (Maclean, et.al). It is also advisable that the bipolar patients are initiated into programs that enhance their participation in physical activities, a factor that requires the initiatives of the family members and friends.
In addition to this, patients who a...
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