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Essay Instructions:

Change in Practice Assignment

This week you will begin working on an assignment that is due by Day 7 of Week 5. Each week, you will be presented with additional information that will assist you in completing this assignment. The following is a description of the assignment; however, the rubric for the assignment must be used to complete the assignment. The rubric is found in the CourseInfo area of the course.

Select a problem in nursing practice that you believe needs to be addressed and write a 6-7 page paper. Gather evidence on practices that will address the problem. Use the following outline to prepare for submission of the project in Week 5:

• Identification of the problem. Why is it important? Why should there be a change?

•Changes in practice that you are suggesting.

•What is the evidence (research) that supports your proposed changes? (Note: use research articles for this section)

• How do “individual patient or family needs and preferences” impact the implementation of the change? 

•How would you evaluate the change? 

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•Course Text: Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research

◦Chapter 4, "Finding Sources of Evidence"

This chapter examines types of evidence found in the literature The authors distinguish between popular, scholarly, and trade literature and describe the types of information found in each. Search strategies are presented along with numerous subject-specific databases for assisting nurses in locating scholarly research evidence.

◦Chapter 11, "Other Sources of Evidence"

Chapter 11 presents the pyramid of evidence. This diagram graphically displays the levels of evidence used in evidence-based healthcare delivery and referred to as the 5Ss. The 5Ss provide a strategy for making searching more efficient. When engaged in evidence-based practice, the 5Ss strategy suggests nurses begin their search of the literature at the top level of the pyramid.

◦Chapter 14, "Weighing In on the Evidence"

Chapter 14 presents a five-step approach for evaluating evidence. It examines different types of quantitative and qualitative study designs and describes the type of evidence each provides. The chapter then discusses the strength of the evidence produced from these different types of studies.

Web Sites

•Google Scholar


Google Scholar allows you to search for scholarly literature across a broad range of topics. However, not all articles will be available in full text. When you are unable to access a full article, try using the Walden Library databases to locate the article .

•Google Scholar. (2009). Advanced Scholar search tips. Retrieved from http://scholar(dot)google(dot)com/intl/en/scholar/help.html

This Web page offers searching tips to help you improve your search and obtain better results with using Google Scholar. Many of the techniques can be used when searching other databases as well.

Course Text: Evidence-Based Practice for Nurses: Appraisal and Application of Research

◦Chapter 15, "Transitioning Evidence to Practice"

Chapter 15 describes three foundational models for EBP: the CURN project, the Stetler model, and the Iowa model for EBP to promote quality care. The chapter describes barriers that a nurse must overcome to adopt EBP as well as different strategies used to transition to EBP.

◦Chapter 16, "Developing Oneself As an Innovator"

An innovator is someone who is willing to use evidence in order to try new things in practice and enhance the quality of patient care. The chapter describes several characteristics of an innovator, explains the importance of a nurse's lifelong learning and self-development, and provides a model wheel of professionalism.

◦Chapter 17, "Evaluating Outcomes of Innovations"

This chapter defines an outcome as a visible result, while nursing outcomes reflect the mindset or behavior of others. The various classifications of outcomes are discussed along with the importance of evaluating outcomes of an EBP project.

◦Chapter 18, "Sharing the Insights With Others"

Sharing information with peers is often done through reading articles, journal clubs, networking at conferences, or presenting new information at a conference, to a committee, or to your colleagues. This chapter offers advice for getting the most out of conferences, tips for effective poster presentations, and methods for writing a manuscript.


Makaroff, K.S., Storch, J., Pauly, B., & Newton, L. (2014). Searching for ethical leadership in nursing. Nursing Ethics, 21(6), 642-658.

Optional Resources


Ingham-Broomfield, R. (2014). A nurses’ guide to the critical reading of research. Australian Journal of Advanced Nursing, 32(1), 37-44.




Essay Sample Content Preview:

Change in Practice Assignment
Institutional Affiliation
Nursing-patient staffing levels remain a significant challenge in many health institutions in the contemporary society. Health organizations today are harbored by shortages in staffing levels, a factor that hinders an appropriate provision of health services to the community. Out of the challenges in staffing, institutions experience malpractices that incapacitate their service provision (Currie, Harvey, West, McKenna, & Keeney, 2005). Due to insufficiency in staffing levels, organizations are bound to encounter situations of medical errors that translate to the patients who get affected. It is, therefore, essential that an organization structures a sound nursing system that is sufficient and with appropriate staff-to-nurse ratios in the delivery of cost-effective, quality, and safe patient care.
Out of this background, it is paramount to mention that this problem has become a global challenge to health institutions. Many health agencies and organizations are deriving attempts geared towards formulating approaches to handling these issues but many have not bore fruits (Currie, et.al). A nurse staffing strategy that considers the numbers of nurses in relation to that of patients may not be an appropriate approach to solving this situation since this translates to the fact that patients will be attended to wholesomely regardless of the nature of their illnesses and complexities.
Due to this, nurses are bound to encounter conflicts, burnouts and depletes in morale including absenteeism. All this factors point out to the challenges that nursing institutions encounter in their attempts to deliver quality medical care to the society today. It is of the essence that changes are sought through the development of a nurse staffing strategy that would involve the initiation of the acuity approach in order to manage and decrease the challenges experienced today (Currie, et.al). An adequately staffed medical facility increases the satisfaction levels of patients and reduces staff burnouts. The central purpose of this paper is to derive approaches geared towards enhancing nurse staffing levels in medical institutions with the aim of improving patient satisfaction and outcomes, nurse retention levels, and job satisfaction.
Problem Statement
Many countries today have high numbers of registered nurses who are required to serve in different medical centers. However, even with the high numbers of registered nurses, the medical fraternity still experiences some challenges regarding shortages. This poses a question that needs address in determining where the problem lies (Dellefield, Castle, McGilton, & Spilsbury, 2015). Today, many hospitals are seeking for efforts to ensure that their institutions have appropriate staffing ratios, a factor that has proved futile. Many systems have resulted in employing more staffs with the aim of solving this problem, a factor that has only led to more issues.
Hospitals and medical organizations during this time are undertaking approaches geared towards structuring their health systems in order to increase productivity by limiting the excessive costs associated with huge unproductive staffing levels. These initiatives have negatively impacted the efficiency in the delivery of clinical care services, a factor that has affected patient satisfaction and outcomes. This, therefore, calls for an appropriate nursing approach that is related to increasing the productivity levels of an organization (Dellefield, et.al). It is in sufficient staffing that health organizations are positioned to offer better services in the community. An inadequate staffing approach yields unproductivity in health facilities.
Institutions that consider staffing based on numbers have in turn experienced massive challenges in their strategies (Dellefield, et.al). Due to this, the medical facilities have witnessed challenges that detriment to decreased staff performances since the medical personnel’s experience difficulties in managing the workloads. The medical staff therefore performs dismally, a factor that translates into poor and inappropriate care standards.
Practicing Change
It is important to acknowledge the fact that the shortages in nursing levels have posed extensive challenges in different health institutions across the globe. Finding a solution to this problem requires a change in practice, a factor that would require an appropriate staffing strategy that would meet the cross-sectional objectives of a health organization (Dent, 2015). A proper staffing method that is capable of increasing productivity is that of staffing by acuity and not by numbers. This approach requires that a medical facility categorizes its patients, according to the nature and complexities of their illnesses and assign nurses who would meet their care needs. This can be achieved through the introduction of a mathematical prediction approach that would determine the appropriate amount of staff required for a particular patient.
Organizations that deploy these approaches have experienced a considerable reduction in the ever rising costs associated with patient care. This approach has also showed its benefits since it also identifies the needs of the nurses as well as that of patients, and through this, a solution is found to meet the needs of both the nurses and the nurses (Dent, 2015). Accountability levels are also bound to increase since this approach ensures that a proactive, cost-effective approach is employed in the care of patients. Considering the fact that the need for health care services is growing extensively, medical institutions need to develop approaches to determining strategies, either long or short-termed that can be implemented to manage the challenges associated with inadequate staffing levels.
Evidences that Support a Proposed Change
Inadequacies in staffing levels have resulted in serious challenges such as nurses spending less or no time wi...
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