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Policy Analysis of the Affordable Care Law

Essay Instructions:

For your project, analyze the Affordable Care Law in a 9 page paper not including the title or references pages. In your analysis you will need to address the following:

1.) How all three branches of government were involved in its creation, and the issues associated with their involvement.

2.) The role of public opinion and lobbying groups and their impact on the laws development

3.) The balance of markets and their participation in the program

4.) The concepts of equity, efficiency, and effectiveness and their role in the law and its passage

5.) The initial anticipated effects on cost, quality, and access and whether the projections were correct or incorrect

6.) The anticipated effects on Medicare and the aging as well as Medicaid and the poor.

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Analysis of the Affordable Care Law
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There have been myriads of discussion concerning the affordable care law. The discussions have emanated from the advantages associated with the passage of this law especially in improving health of citizens. Health of citizens is always a crucial aspect in any given country. This view emanates from the considerations that; when the population of a country is not having good check up of their health, there is bound to be less participation in the economic activities. In the long run, the economy of the country is bound to go down. Thus, it can be said that health of citizens should be a priority concern of government. This paper analyses the affordable care law especially in view of the government’s participation and other participatory bodies.
Participation of the government
Many people would be tempted to think that the affordable care law came with ease. Bakich & Hustead (2015) note that; there had been deliberations of different branches of government prior to arriving to this law. It can be said, the involvement of the government in coming up with this law emanated from realization of importance of the public health in ensuring economic growth of the society. In arriving at such a crucial as this of affordable care, which touches on one of the core elements of life, there is involvement of the different branches of the government. The United States congress participated in a direct way in ensuring passage of this law. The congress is the chief legislative body in the country and therefore, the passage of laws directly involve this body. This branch of the government passes laws and determines punishment to be exercised in the country. This body of the government is also charged with determining the levels of taxation as well as coming up with programs and policies that shape important aspects such as politics.
Thus, in such capacity the congress undertook its mandate in ensuring that the affordable care is made law in accordance with the stipulated processes. It can be said that; without deliberations of the congress, the affordable care would just be a talk and not law as it is today. It is through this body that the problems addressed by this law were recognized. Through the usual process of the congress house, the solution to the public problem was proposed to be the affordable care law and therefore the process of making it a law was initiated. The taxation associated with passage of this law were also discussed and analyzed by the congress as is with other laws.
According to Bakich & Hustead (2015) the House of Representatives and senate is the other branch of the government involved in the deliberations of law, the affordable care one not excluded. In this house, there is usually debate on the issue presented to be made a law. It is always argued that it is easy to fail to pass a law in the house than to pass it. Such statements follow consideration of the heated debates that are usually witnessed in the house. The affordable care law was discussed in the house of the representatives and senate. The positive aspect of the debate that is usually carried out by this branch of the government is that; the opposing side is able to point out to weak areas of the proposal. Thus, in the debate concerning the affordable care law, the weak areas of this piece of legislation were identified and therefore the government embarked on the ways in which their impacts could be minimized. This is imperative especially in the recognition of the fact the; no piece of law can be absolutely perfect. What is crucial is therefore to deliberate on the ways of cushioning the negative aspects.
In the passage of the affordable care policy to become a law, the president (executive) as a branch of government, played a crucial role. The president usually plays a great role in his position as the executive leader of the country. Without him signing the bill to a law, the piece of legislation concerning affordable care would just be a bill. But with him signing the bill to become a law, it became that; a law that is supposed to be exercised, with the punishment associated with breakage of it applicable to every relevant party. Therefore, after the piece of legislation concerning affordable health was passed by House of Representatives and senate, it was taken to the president to either consent to it and therefore signs it to become law or to reject it. In consideration of the usefulness of the law to the public, the president signed the bill to a law to enable the public o benefit to benefit from it and to open room for punishment of those who break the requirements of it. The signing of the bill to a law by the president is was great milestone because; if the president vetoed it, there would be slim chance of success of the same in overriding of the veto by congress.
Role of public opinion
Many people associate success of the law of affordable care to the legislation that was done by the different branches of the government and fails to consider the role that was played by the public as well as lobbying groups. As it is known, the public is a strong entity, whose opinion goes a long way in determining the root to be taken by the leaders in different positions. In arriving at the affordable care law there was a lot of influence from the public. Their voice was crucial because; the public is the body directly affected by implementation of laws such as this one of affordable care. However, it is crucial note that; the public, as well as the different lobbying groups held varied opinions concerning this affordable care role. Tacchino (2012) disclose that; notably, there were those that were opposed to it due to the perceived negative implications. Such opinions cannot be said to have been totally of negative value. Pointing to the negative aspects of the law by the public as well as the lobbying groups led to considerations of the measures to be taken to ensure that the negative implications of such loopholes have been cushioned, thus ensuring success in the implementation of the law. The legislative bodies as well as the media can be said to have played a great in ensuring a positive attitude from the public as well as the lobbying bodies hence offering support for the law. From the conviction of the viability of the law, the different lobbying groups as well as the general public offered their support and well wish for the affordable care hence, the immense success.
Abbott (2015) clarifies that; as it is with any other law especially in healthcare, here is the market balance implication of the affordable health care. Many of the factors of balance of market in as far as this law is concerned, can be said to have been known even before the passage of the bill to law. However, there have been cases of new developments which can be said not to have been anticipated in the initial stages of the law. The prevalence of monopoly in provision of healthcare was known from the word go to be the factor fueling higher prices of healthcare. Hence, the legislation of this law, such that public health care centers can...
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