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NUR212: The Comparison of Collaborative Care for a Patient with a Mental Health Disorder vs a Patient with a Medical Disorder in the Acute Care Setting

Essay Instructions:

Using APA format, write a six (6) to ten (10) page paper (excludes cover and reference page) that addresses the comparison of collaborative care for a patient with a mental health disorder versus a patient with a medical disorder in the acute care setting. The paper consists of three (3) parts and must be submitted by the close of week six. Each part must be a minimum of two (2) pages in length.

A minimum of three (3) current professional references must be provided. Current references include professional publications or valid and current websites dated within five (5) years. Additionally, a textbook that is no more than one (1) edition old may be used.

The following topics may be used for this paper:

Mental Health Disorders

•Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 



•Paranoid Schizophrenia 


•Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) 

•Alzheimer’s disease 

Medical Disorders


•Addison’s Disease 


•Acute Pancreatitis 

•Chronic Renal Failure 


•Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus 

Part 1

a.Select one (1) mental health disorder and one (1) medical disorder covered within the modules of NUR212 as a basis for your paper. (It must be a disorder that is covered in the content of this course. Other disorders will not be graded.) Compare the two (2) disorders demonstrating similarities and differences.

b.Discuss how the efforts and resources required to manage the disorders compare to one another. Is the burden a patient with a mental health disorder endures comparable to the burden experienced by a patient with a medical disorder? Explain your response.

c.Identify two (2) issues that may arise for the patient and/or family when caring for the patients with the identified disorders. Provide two (2) descriptive examples.

Part 2

a.Identify ethical and legal implications the RN considers when caring for patients with a mental health disorder and medical disorder.

b.Discuss similarities and differences in the RN’s approach to address the identified implications.

Part 3

Based on the disorders chosen above, adress the following:

a.Provide an example of how the interprofessional team members can provide collaborative and continuous care in the acute care setting.

b.Discuss the role of the professional nurse within the team and provide three (3) examples.

c.Describe how to ensure adherence to medication regimen and follow-up visits - Provide three (3) examples.

d.What measures would evaluate the effectiveness of the interprofessional plan of care?

e.How does the RN evaluate the interprofessional team efforts and identify modifications that might be necessary?

Any topic chosen that is not covered within the context of this course, will not be accepted.

Compose your work using a word processor (or other software as appropriate) and save it frequently to your computer. Use a 12 font size, double space your work and use APA format for citations, references, and overall format. Information on how to use the Excelsior College Library to help you research and write your paper is available through the Library Help for AD Nursing Courses page. Assistance with APA format, grammar, and avoiding plagiarism is available for free through the Excelsior College Online Writing Lab (OWL). Be sure to check your work and correct any spelling or grammatical errors before you submit your assignment.

You are required to submit your paper to Turnitin (a plagiarism prevention service) prior to submitting the paper in the course submission area for grading. Access is provided by email to the email address on record in your MyExcelsior account during week 2 of the term. Once you submit your paper to Turnitin check your inbox in Turnitin for the results. After viewing your originality report correct the areas of your paper that warrant attention. You can re-submit your paper to Turnitin after 24-hours and continue to re-submit until the results are acceptable. Acceptable ranges include a cumulative total of less than 15% for your entire paper, and no particular area greater than 2% (excluding direct quotes and/or references).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Comparison of Collaborative Care for a Patient with a Mental Health Disorder versus a Patient with a Medical Disorder in the Acute Care Setting
Student Affiliation
The Comparison of Collaborative Care for a Patient with a Mental Health Disorder versus a Patient with a Medical Disorder in the Acute Care Setting
Part 1
Mental disorders and medical disorders are different in terms of causes, symptoms and also effects. Mental disorders are the conditions that affect the mood of a person, their way of thinking, how they feel and also how they relate with other people. Medical disorders are generally all the abnormal conditions that affect the body of a person. This, therefore, means that mental disorders may fall under medical disorders. Paranoid Schizophrenia is a mental disorder that affects the brain making the patient delusional. Most of the delusions are based on the belief that there are people plotting against them (Medical News Today, 2015). Paranoid schizophrenia is a subtype of the main mental disorder known as schizophrenia and is also the most common type. Acute Pancreatitis is a medical disorder that affects the pancreas, which becomes inflamed within a very short period of time. The disorder may either be very serious or even improve within a very short time.
People with paranoid schizophrenia mostly have auditory hallucinations in that they can hear things that are not actually happening. This is what makes them feel the need to always protect themselves. Paranoid schizophrenia is very dangerous and may lead to people reacting to the voices and living on what they always hear. People with paranoid schizophrenia are not very much social and always have a low self-esteem thinking that all the attention is towards them and their condition. They can not always think and perform successfully in most cases. This category of people with the said subtype most of the time have short memory and do not find it easy to stay continuously happy without their emotions getting in the way every now and then. Paranoid schizophrenia may last as long as a lifetime and also may eventually lead to even bigger complications. The social behavior of a paranoid schizophrenic may be ruined due to impulse actions that may be unacceptable in the specific environment. People in this condition are strictly advised to stick to a continuous prescribed medication that may make things better with time.
Acute pancreatitis is most common among the middle aged and elderly people but can also affect people of any age. The causes may vary between the men and women where men are more likely to get these complications due to alcohol intake while women may be affected by gallstones. Unlike paranoid schizophrenia, acute pancreatitis is almost more fatal than the mental disorder (CPGA, 2013). Another big difference is that one is physically painful while the other one affects the emotions of the victims and if any person suffers from acute pancreatitis they are supposed to remain in hospital for several weeks or months in order to ensure that the condition does not recur and does not also become worse.
The similarities of the medical and mental disorders named above are that they both require a very consistent process in medication. Paranoid Schizophrenia and Acute pancreatitis are both very dangerous if they are not well medicated to the letter. The burden experienced by a person with paranoid schizophrenia can almost compare to that of a person with acute pancreatitis. This is because despite both being controlled by different things and different parts, they all come with some kind of pain. Emotional and physical pain is both unendurable for both.
There are various issues that may arise for the patient or family when the patient is being taken care of. One issue is that, if the case is severe for acute pancreatitis, a person may not be able to eat for three to four days, which may in turn require that they are given fluids and pain relievers via an intravenous line. A more severe issue may also cause the increase in fluid and air causing the person to vomit endlessly which may then require that they have a tube placed in the stomach to rid of the air and fluid. An issue for the paranoid schizophrenic that may arise during the time the patient is under care is that they may become distressed to a point that they are capable of committing suicide or simply hurting themselves with the thoughts that it is much of a relief. All these issues affect the family negatively.
Part 2
There are various ethical and legal implications considered by Registered Nurses when caring for patients with mental or medical disorders. These implications are important in that they maintain the various freedoms of the patients. The ethical implications considered for patients with mental disorders are that they get to maintain their rights to live a normal life like they did before going under care. As soon as a patient with mental disorders is taken for further care, there are limits to movement in and out and their normal schedule is also highly disrupted. In order to make the patient experience what they used to before they were limited to only movement within a restricted area, they are ethically and legally entitled to having visitors, writing and receiving mail, and also being provided with the appropriate basic necessities.
All the patients’ guardians or responsible family member have the legal right to demand the breakdown of what will be inclusive of the treatment process for those to whom they are related. The break down gives an understanding of what the medical procedure will entail and the process that will take place during the whole procedure. Another thing is that they are informed on the effects of the procedure, the risks that come with the procedure and the consequences that may arise in the case that the procedure is not performed and also the available alternatives there are in the case where they do not give consent to one of the options. The consent, in this case, does not o...
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