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Community Teaching Plan: Experience on Health Action Strategies

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description

The RN to BSN program at University meets the requirements for clinical competencies as defined by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), using nontraditional experiences for practicing nurses. These experiences come in the form of direct and indirect care experiences in which licensed nursing students engage in learning within the context of their hospital organization, specific care discipline, and local communities.

Note: This is an individual assignment. In 1,500-2,000 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include:
1. Summary of teaching plan
2. Epidemiological rationale for topic
3. Evaluation of teaching experience
4. Community response to teaching
5. Areas of strengths and areas of improvement

You are required to cite a minimum of three sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.
Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
NOTE: APA 7th edition. good references within 5 years and citations

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Community Teaching Plan: Teaching Experience
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Course Number and Name
Due Date
Community Teaching Plan: Teaching Experience
Introduction Awareness initiatives have been critical in helping federal and state health authorities achieve their goals. Community-based solutions continue to play an essential role in improving health outcomes in the United States in the forthcoming future. Experts have understood that community awareness is the best tool to keep individuals and families healthy. These initiatives are designed to reach people outside regular contexts like learning institutions and neighborhoods (Birch & Auld, 2019). Individuals can be reached in healthcare settings by utilizing social institutions. This approach maximizes the impact while reducing the timelines and resources required to produce the programs. Communities come into direct and indirect touch with such circumstances regularly. The utilization of atypical locations promotes knowledge exchange and engagement among communities. Engaging with people in various venues also allows for improved health education and the construction of meaningful promotional information (Videto & Dake, 2019). Through a focus on young adults and children in the community, the overarching objective of the campaign was to educate them on hand washing and surface cleaning practices. Summary of the Teaching Plan             In this case, the health action strategy comprised raising awareness about the need for community hygiene and hand washing to avoid the spread of COVID-19 and other illnesses such as diarrhea. Public awareness is vital in preserving principles that promote physician-recommended health care in collaborative health initiatives. Public education is the key to minimizing health risks through therapies, including internet campaigns that elicit behavioral change. The technique for reducing the risk of infection and developing certain diseases in the community was called primary health prevention. The main preventive strategy aims to raise citizens’ knowledge of community cleanliness and handwashing in preventing contagious and prevalent illnesses. Hand sanitization was also a topic since it is easier to clean hands in public areas where running water remains unavailable. It was primarily aimed at small children and the elderly, who are more susceptible to illnesses. The program was scheduled to run for five days, with each of the ten sessions lasting 40 minutes. As the presenter, I began the day’s discussion by providing a brief personal profile. This tactic was critical since an introduction was necessary for establishing a relationship with the audience and for the expert to be careful of defining and clarifying the issue to the learners. Following that aspect, each person was given one minute to introduce themselves. I caught the audience’s attention by citing how handwashing helps avoid different diseases and germ contact. I also supplied information about people who have been diagnosed with various illnesses caused by germs and viruses, as well as the current COVID-19 pandemic. It was executed through projector presentations as a visual aid and captured the participants’ attention. I also engaged the participants in their prior knowledge of what I had discussed. The sessions would end in a question-answer session to evaluate the understanding of the taught aspects and information. Epidemiological Rationale for the Topic By eradicating viruses and germs, community cleanliness and handwashing routines with authorized soap eliminate illnesses. People often touch their skin, mouth, nose, and eyes, increasing the risk of infection when germs on their hands are transmitted to the body (CDC, 2022). Handwashing and cleaning of surfaces raise community knowledge, which decreases the incidence of diarrheal infections by 58 percent, respiratory ailments by 20%, and impaired immune systems by 30-40 percent (CDC, 2022). Bacteria and germs from dirty hands can contaminate food and beverages prepared or ingested. Bacteria can multiply in specific foods and drinks under certain conditions, producing illnesses in people (Suen et al., 2019). Viruses travel readily from dirty hands to surfaces such as signposts, fences, home surfaces, toys, and metal surfaces, and then to the hands of another person. CDC indicates that diarrhea and pneumonia are among the leading causes of death in newborns under five and kill an estimated 1.8 million children (2022). Surface cleaning and handwashing with soap and running water prevent around one out of every three young children from diarrhea and one out of every five youngsters from respiratory infections (CDC, 2022). As a result, hand washing and surface cleaning can help prevent the spread of COVID-19, diarrhea, and respiratory diseases. According to the nursing diagnosis, when surfaces and hands are not adequately cleaned, constant contact with viruses and bacteria increases the risk of illness (Dagne et al., 2019). Bacteria in the air and on surfaces, such as Streptococcus Pneumoniae, increase disease risk when a child comes into contact with them. Bacteria generally enter people’s bodies when they touch raw meat, use the toilet, change child diapers, and fail to wash their hands (CDC, 2022). Individuals who do not have clean surfaces in their homes or communities are exposed to germs present in those locations and spread to their hands when they come into contact with infected things. Evaluation of Teaching Experience Facts indicate that teaching the community about an issue like handwashing, which they think is irrelevant and straightforward, may be an arduous undertaking. Furthermore, since surface cleaning and handwashing remain present in advertisements and television shows, such problems receive little attention. There were just a few people in the first session, but as I handled it successfully with visual aids and Glo UV light displays, the number of people rose as the sessions progressed. Some of the participants, particularly the children, were ...
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