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Socio-Political Drivers in Influencing Positive Healthcare Outcomes

Essay Instructions:

You must use the rubric to direct the creation of your submission because it provides detailed criteria that will be used to evaluate your work. Each requirement below may be evaluated by more than one rubric aspect.

A. Discuss how to positively affect the health and behavioral health outcomes of the community described in the scenario by applying two sociopolitical drivers at each of the following levels:

• micro

• mezzo

• macro

B. Discuss how to develop strategic partnerships between the organization (i.e., the hospital) and the community in the scenario by doing the following:

1. Identify two new and innovative community relationships, one with a strategic partner and one with an organizational stakeholder, that could benefit the organization and community from the scenario.

a. Describe how the relationships identified in part B1 can be applied to the scenario to advance the needs of the organization and community.

2. Describe one policy and one procedure that could be implemented within the context of the scenario to advance the goals of the organization.

3. Describe how the expressed dynamics of diversity in the identified community population from the scenario could be harnessed to positively affect health and behavioral health outcomes for this population.

C. Discuss the application of an interprofessional team to the scenario by doing the following:

1. Describe three distinct strategies: one to develop a culturally diverse interprofessional team, one to manage a culturally diverse interprofessional team, and one to foster the collaboration of a culturally diverse interprofessional team.

2. Describe two professional development strategies that could be applied to benefit interprofessional team collaboration when engaging in group work to assist the community identified in the scenario.

3. Apply critical thinking and strategic decision-making to determine two solutions to the problem presented in the scenario.

4. Describe one verbal and one nonverbal communication strategy or technique that could be used within the scenario to address barriers to healthcare access for the identified community.

D. Discuss the application of performance development strategies to the scenario by doing the following:

1. Describe two strategies to increase the organization’s employee engagement around the community problem described in the scenario.

2. Describe two organizational structures that could be put in place to encourage professional development opportunities for the organization’s staff that would systemically support the needs of the community identified in the scenario.

3. Identify three dynamics of professional behavior and etiquette in relation to the scenario and modeled within each of the following contexts:

• one personal context

• one organizational context

• one industry context

a. Describe how the identified dynamics from part D3 could be applied to the scenario to improve outcomes for the inter-professional team and community population.

4. Identify three personal values and perspectives you would hold as an HSC professional to support the inter-professional team, organization, and community identified in the scenario.

a. Describe how the personal values and perspectives from part D4 could be applied to engage yourself as a leader within the healthcare field.

b. Describe how the personal values and perspectives from part D4 could be applied to engage community partners in the context of the scenario.

E. Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.

F. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Community Relationships and the HSC
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Instructor’s Name
Community Relationships and the HSC
Part A
Socio-Political Drivers in Influencing Positive Healthcare Outcomes 
Micro Level
As the leading healthcare service coordinator (HSC), I propose that education and social support networks will be the two significant socio-political drivers to help the hospital achieve positive health outcomes. Education and social support networks should be examined at the micro, mezzo, and macro levels in healthcare delivery within the community. At the micro-level, I suggest that an education program that focuses on sensitizing and enhancing the record documentation alongside evidence-based clinical practice should be adopted. The program will offer regular training to the hospital's practitioners (Li et al., 2020). The educational programs will also equip healthcare workers with knowledge on how to increase trust between the patient and the workers. I will encourage the hospital workers to create social support networks to help each other share interdisciplinary skills and tasks.
Implementing an educational program to disseminate health information about chronic diseases and drug abuse at the mezzo level will be the first course of action (Sawatzky et al., 2021). Healthcare professionals will work alongside the Baltimore City authorities to educate inhabitants about healthcare practices and available support for chronic diseases patients and drug abusers. Alongside the educational program, the hospital will hire social support workers to move from one town to another in Baltimore City to ensure registration and collect information about drug abusers and chronic disease patients. The disparities in the community will be better addressed by collecting enough data from different demographics to analyze and implement relevant interventions by the hospital.
Macro Level
Using the analyzed data from different demographics within the community, I propose that the patient-reported outcomes measures (PROMs) data alongside appropriate recommendations be shared with the city authorities. Government leaders and decision-makers will formulate informed health policy for Baltimore City. First, the policies will cover increased funding to the hospital and social support programs under the hospital and any other health education programs within the community (Sawatzky et al., 2021). To make healthcare affordable, the government should give various social support groups funding and health insurance coverage for its members.
Part B
New and Innovative Community Relationships
The hospital should consider partnering with first primary care pharmacists. Considering that the community faces a drug abuse problem and chronic diseases, it would be significant to establish collaboration with pharmacists in Baltimore City. The partnership will emphasize the need to have the best medication adherence (Flores et al., 2017). All patients receiving treatment from the hospital should be redirected to specific pharmacists within Baltimore City. The pharmacists will help with medication management. The pharmacist will improve the quality of care within Baltimore City by monitoring chronic disease patients to have better medication adherence which will, in turn, improve their clinical outcomes. One strategy the hospital stakeholders should consider is working with patients closely. The community's portion of patients suffering from chronic diseases largely comprises a third of the poor households. Considering that they cannot clear their medical bills, they opt not to seek healthcare services. Therefore, the hospital will provide subsidized primary care services for patients from poverty-stricken households.
Strategic Partner and Organizational Stakeholder Importance 
Primary care pharmacists will collaborate with hospital health workers to ensure that patients prescribed certain medications adhere to using them appropriately. Since chronic disease patients are placed under caregivers, the pharmacists will provide the caregivers a journal which they will be filling and returning weekly to help monitor the effect of the drugs and the patients' adherence to medication usage (Flores et al., 2017). The primary care pharmacists will share the reports on medication management with the hospital. Identifying poverty-stricken households will help provide subsidized healthcare services for chronic disease patients, thus encouraging all patients to seek healthcare help when they need it confidently.
Policies and Procedures 
The African American patients have high levels of mistrust with healthcare workers because of discrimination and bias. One policy and procedure will help hold health workers accountable for this unethical behavior  so that the hospital setting will improve in quality and equality when delivery care services include: 
The healthcare workers should acknowledge and raise public care awareness of racial disparities in healthcare delivery.
Inform African American patients about their knowledge about the mistrust between them and the healthcare workers every time they visit. The hospitals should further consent to assure the patients that they readily accept suggestions or alerts on any discriminatory behavior from any hospital worker. 
Dynamics of Diversity
Since the community comprises various ethnicities, it is significant to encourage social support and health support groups from each ethnic group. The members will be trained and equipped with health knowledge, especially regarding chronic disease prevention and management and drug abuse, to help their ethnic groups overcome such problems. The groups will be sponsored by the hospital and the other private sponsors in the community. The hospital will encourage social workers to mobilize the affluent to help their poverty-stricken neighbors by p...
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