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Community Teaching Plan: Addressing Obesity

Essay Instructions:

In 1,500-2,000 words, describe the teaching experience and discuss your observations. The written portion of this assignment should include:
Summary of teaching plan
Epidemiological rationale for topic
Evaluation of teaching experience
Community response to teaching
Area of strengths and areas of improvement

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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Community Teaching Plan: Teaching Experience Paper
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Community Teaching Plan: Teaching Experience Paper
Many people can teach and influence others, but not all of them can be effective teachers. Teaching is not only about giving knowledge to the students or explaining concepts and theories; teaching is about the capability of the person to influence their learners. Moreover, at the same time, teaching is another form of learning where teachers also learn from their learners. Just like how my experienced shaped me into a better individual, though I was overwhelmed by the new environment, it served as a nerve-racking and life-changing experience. By presenting a healthier lifestyle for children to avoid obesity, these experiences influenced many things about myself and the community.
Teaching Plan
According to Haigh & Duncan (2002), a teaching plan is an essential material containing possible opportunities for students to learn. They also presented that a teaching plan centers the heart of teaching and provides the information of what would happen and what activities would be provided during the teaching experience. This implies the importance of a teaching plan as it serves as the foundation of the students' teaching and learning process. Without a teaching plan, the essence of the teaching experience would be chaotic and unorganized, which will inevitably affect the students' learnings. At the same time, without it, teachers who are new to teaching will have the possibility of being lost throughout the whole process.
Since the topic of this teaching experience was to address the obesity of children, the teaching plan circulates with it by presenting the possible scenarios, objectives, goals, methods, and readiness of the learners. Since the community targets are parents and guardians of the children subjected to the change and improvement of their environment, the objectives and strategies are accommodated to their levels. This leads to the theory used for teaching, which is Transformative Learning Theory; this theory implies that an individual can have a change of phase when imparted with new knowledge. This theory dramatically applies to the aim of this teaching experience, where parents and guardians are taught to improve their ways of raising their children in a healthier environment. On the other hand, the objective that supports this teaching plan is the NWS-11 (Nutrition and Weight Status-11) which states that children of age 2 to 19 years old should not gain weight that is not appropriate for them. At the same time, the strategies used were visual aids such as pamphlets, group discussions, and safe and fun games/activities. Also, the evaluation of objectives, goals, and lesson and teacher are indicated in the teaching plan.
Epidemiological Rationale
From the study of Kumar & Kelly (2017), they presented that in the United States, children of obesity were considered an essential public health issue as they explained that out of three children, one of them is weighed obese. On the other hand, in Maryland, it was expressed that the number of children aged 2 to 4 and who were diagnosed as obese rose to 15.6% in 2016 compared to the rate last 2000, which was 13.3%. While for obese children aged 10 to 17, their number increased to 17.6% in 2019 compared to the report last 2016, which was 16.9% (The State of Child Obesity, 2018). The World Health Organization (2020) also showed a statistical record of children being obese. The rate of obesity of children and adolescents last 2016 increased up to 18%, which was estimated to be more than 340 million, and at the same time, compared to the previous release of statistics last 1975, which was 4%. They also released that last 2020, children under five years old recognized as overweight were 39 million. To be more precise, overweight adolescents of developed countries rated 23%, while 13% percent of the children were diagnosed as obese in developing countries.
Teaching Experience and Community Response
The teaching experience was a significant influence on me as I did not only try to give knowledge regarding the healthy lifestyle and effects of obesity, I was also able to influence the future of the children and the community positively. During the teaching process, given that I could only express my teachings for a few minutes, I was still able to explain everything carefully and accordingly. Though communication barriers were there as not all of them could interact in English, I was still able to perform effective teaching with the help of the pamphlet since I prepared it in two languages which were Spanish and English. With the help of this material, the flow of discussion was great. Though there are some instances where some were not able to express their opinions, the positive side was that the parents and guardians were still able to gain knowledge. Also, teaching the children was also a fun experience for me as I was able to perform exciting games and communicate with them through various activities.
I could say that my performance was not exceptional, but it would not be ...
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