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Community Self-Help Group Activity Research Assignment

Essay Instructions:

I Need to get the paper not later than Late Tuesday, 6/20/2017.Follow the instruction given below, no need to visit a group meeting, just pretend as if you did and start by creating an introductory paragraph with full information ( just as outlined in the instruction below) , this can be updated later with the group meeting that I will attend, follow through what is needed in the instruction to compete the whole paper.
can you please include this info
AA meeting , Club Hope , 9209 Center St. Manassas, VA 20110 and it will be on June 19,2017 @7 pm
does sound okay at the end or maybe in the beginning of the instructions
Attend a self-help group such as Alcoholics Anonymous, N.A., Alanon, and Cocaine Anonymous… in the community of your choice.
2. Upon identification of a group you plan to attend (when, where and meeting times etc.) call the leader or information line to assure that the meeting is open to the general public. Inform the contact person that you are a student nurse attending the meeting to learn about treatment
activities in the community. Assure them that you are bound by confidentiality and will not take
notes during the group session.
3. Information about meeting times and locations can be found at:
http://www(dot)aa-dc(dot)org/ (Washington, D.C.)
http://www(dot)aavirginia(dot)org/hp/ (Virginia)
http://www(dot)aa(dot)org/lang/en/central_offices.cfm?origpage=373&cmd=getgroups&state=Maryland&country=United+States (Maryland)
4. Attend the group, participating if warranted by the group process, such as introducing yourself
etc. Dress in a professional but not overly formal manner, business casual. Do not wear your name tag or lab coat to the self-help groups unless specifically requested by the group leader.
5. Write the 4 page paper using APA format including the following items:
Include an introductory paragraph to your paper. Then summarize the events of the meeting. Include in your introduction, the date, time, place, and phone number of the meeting attended. (5 points)
6. a. Compare and contrast the DSM-V and the AA/NA/Alanon definitions of chemical dependence
(5 points).
b. Identify how support is given during and outside meeting times (5 points).
c. Differentiate between this type of “peer support group” and a therapist run “psychotherapy group”
(10 points).
d. Describe how this activity affected or challenged your beliefs, or preconceived ideas about treatment
offered by the group you visited. (10 points)
e. Article selections include 2-3 current references (within 5 years old) (5 points)
f. Describe the group setting and participant dynamics (10 points)
g. Identify any addictive or dependent behaviors you observed. (5 points)
h. Conclusion statement (10 points)
7. Format 5-7 pages, APA format, double-spaced, typed, 12-point font. Please pay careful attention to spelling, grammar and punctuation. (10 points).
If you have question, I need to know as soon as possible.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Community Self-Help Group
I attended a Self-Help Group Activity that was about Alcoholics Anonymous Washington D.C. the meeting was about open discussion and it was held at Club Hope, the address of the area 9209 Center St. Manassas, VA 20110. The meeting started at 7:00 p.m and the meeting took place on June 19, 2017. The meeting was about the discussion of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Compare and contrast the DSM-V and the Alcoholics Anonymous
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Fifth Edition (DSM-V), contains a list of diagnostic criteria that are related to substance and addictive disorders. It is important to note that the criteria that is applicable to all potentially addictive substances, where by which alcohol is just but one of those many substances. Substance use disorder is defined as an inability for one to control substance abuse that might result into occupational, social and medical consequences. According to Kopak, Metze & Hoffmann (2014) the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual Fifth edition for mental disorders is a manual book that is used mainly in the health care profession in the U.S and other parts of the world as a proven guide for the diagnosis of any mental disorder. The DSM has got symptoms and description and also procedure for diagnosing mental disorders. On the other hand Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who are willing to share their different strengths, hope, and experience with one another, which may lead to solving their common problem and assist one another to recover from alcoholism addiction (Galanter et al., 2013). The only thing that an individual needs to become a member of Alcoholics Anonymous is just to show a desire for drinking. It is important to note that there is no any fee that is required for someone to become a member of the group. Both DSM-V and Alcoholics Anonymous are both meant to help these groups of individuals to recover from alcohol addiction and treatment for the disorders that have been brought by the substance abuse.
The Support Given During and Outside Alcoholics Anonymous
Alcoholics Anonymous is a global organization that is specifically designed to assist former alcoholic addicts during their recovery journey as they maintain their sobriety. The individuals who normally attend the Alcoholics Anonymous groups must show a commitment to stop consumption of alcohol and maintain soberness. AA has got twelve traditions that are intended to stabilize the program and prevent from the outside interferences. Everyone who participates in an Alcoholics Anonymous group are always advised to keep on reading the Big Book, which is referred to as the bible of the organization. The big book of the organization is meant to help members of the group to enable them maintain the road to recovery. It would be important to note that in the Big Book, there are stories of inspiration and resources for recovery that will enable alcoholics in their journey to achieve their desire of long term sobriety. In the book, the twelve steps and twelve traditions of Alcoholics Anonymous. The Big Book has well detailed step by step procedure for helping members of the organization both in the meeting and outside the meetings to enable them maintain their road to recovery. For example, as one is reading through the second half of the book, one will find personal stories from individuals who have been able to recover from the alcohol addiction. Additionally, it is important to note that new stories are normally added to the Big Book whenever new version of the book is released. These stories are related to many people in the recovery and serve a...
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