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Clinical Reflection: LEARN Template in Practical Nursing

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Reflective Practice
“Clinical Reflection-LEARN Template” Name:
Accurately use this LEARN Document Template to successfully complete this reflection (NOTE: Each section in the LEARN Document Template must be completed).
Take a moment to look back, play back your experience in your head (as a Movie) and think about every detail from your experience in clinical during this Week.
Elaborate in writing what happened, what you were experiencing, in detail, (i.e.: what you thought, felt, did during the clinical learning experience?) (Two Paragraphs):
On this day, I had an experience as a nurse that related to the privacy of the patient that I was attending to. That morning, I got into the patient’s room and using the auscultator, started listening to the sounds of the patient’s heart, lungs and the bowel. After this exercise, I asked the patient if she was ready to rise up from her bed so that I could clean her face, her teeth and then assess her progress, to which she replied that she was ready. Immediately she tried rising from her bed, she felt a sharp pain on her back and told me so. I rushed out of the room to look for the nurse who was in-charge. We met with the nurse in the hallway, where I told her about the patient’s pain in the back and the fact that she wanted to take her pain medication.

Looking back at the experience that I had that morning, I feel that I violated the privacy of the patient by telling the nurse about the patient in the hallway. According to CNO standards (College of Nurses of Ontario) any information relating to the patient’s privacy should never be shared in a manner that violates that privacy.
Analyze – what influenced the experience, what made things happen as they did? (One Paragraph):
One of the reasons that led to the sequence of the events is that, I felt that the patient was in too much pain and she needed treatment fast. When I met the nurse in the hallway, I was so eager to relay the information as a matter of urgency but ended up overlooking the privacy issue. Due to my inexperience in handling such information, I ended up sharing the information with the other patients in the hallway among them the elderly.
What was positive about the experience? What was negative about the experience? What did you find interesting about the experience? Were there any differences between what you thought would happen and what actually happened? (One Paragraph):
The positive aspect of the experience relates to t...
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