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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Childhood Asthma. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Search PubMed for a systematic review or meta-analysis related to one of the topics you have presented previously in this course.

Post the Meta-analysis article you used for this module's assignment here.

Topic :

Symptom monitoring in childhood asthma:

a randomized clinical trial comparing peak

expiratory flow rate with symptom monitoring

H. Lorrie Yoos, PhD*; Harriet Kitzman, PhD*; Ann McMullen, MS†; Charles Henderson, MS‡ and Kimberly Sidora, MPH§

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Childhood Asthma
“Search PubMed for a systematic review or meta-analysis related to one of the topics you have presented previously in this course.”
Action plans to deal with childhood asthma need to be accompanied with asthma education and not merely symptom monitoring. Childhood asthma can be allergic or non-allergic asthma depending on whether allergens or nonspecific stimuli trigger them. Peak flow monitoring is more beneficial than symptom monitoring for some children with asthma (Yoos, Kitzman, McMullen, Henderson & Sidora, 2002). While peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) monitoring and PEFR meters (PFMs) are useful when childhood symptoms are considered, it is necessary to consider other variables in asthma management like socio-demographics, illness severity and race (Yoos et al., 2002). The peak flow meter recordings help to evaluate the severity of symptoms, the effectiveness of your medications and useful in asthma management.
Childhood asthma is associated with the development of asthma and considering the children’s levels of physical activity is necessary to assess whether there is a higher risk of early-onset asthma. Physical activity may be a strong co-founder of studies on childhood asthma, whereby factors influencing obesity like being overweight and physical inactivity are thought to affect asthma development (Lochte et al., 2016). Access to quality care and lifestyle changes, then reduce the risk of asthma complications, and if possible on modifying the exposures should be prioritized. In any case, interventions target improving pulmonary function and asthma symptoms when there is proper management.
Long-term follow-up of children with asthma at different degrees of severity highlights that there are few changes. As such, it is more likely that children with more severe asthma are me likely to have more severe asthma in their adult years. On the other hand, for children with moderate asthmatic symptoms, if there is proper asthma management they are likely to have may moderate asthma and...
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