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Strategic Management and Socially Conscious Organization Essay

Essay Instructions:

1.Please only use references under 5 years.

2. Please write essay in APA style.

2.Essay on a socially conscience organization. I would like the essay to be on the company Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream.

3.Cite the mission and vision in your essay. Explain how the mission and vision are translated into implementation of strategy. Be sure to provide specific examples.

Write as if you were the manager, and your role is to carry out the mission and vision of the organization in daily life, ensuring alignment between managerial tactics and the organization's mission and vision. Examine the organization's alignment through the following concepts: corporate social responsibility, corporate culture, personal ethics, leadership, followership, and competitive advantage.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Ben and Jerry’s Strategic Management and Social Responsibility
Institutional Affiliation
Ben and Jerry’s Strategic Management and Social Responsibility
In today’s competitive environment, organizations have been forced to operate in a manner that not only promotes the goals of the firm but also promote the social welfare of the community. These goals and responsibilities are communicated through the company’s vision and mission statement. Ben & Jerry is one of the company’s with strategic management that drives the mission and vision of the organization through social responsibility and sustainability. The vision and values of the company play a fundamental role in the formulation of policies.
Ever since it started its operations in 1978 in Vermont, Ben & Jerry Ice Cream has strived to remain socially conscious through strategic planning and management. According to the information from the company’s website, B&J has a three-part mission that guides its decision-making. B&J’s mission statement is “Leading with progressive values across our business” (Ben & Jerry, 2019). The first part of the mission is centered on the product. The ice cream that B&J produces has to be of high quality for the sake of the business. Quality attracts and retains clients. The second part is for sustainable growth. B&J has always sought to reach and maintain its name as a global brand through sustainable financial growth. This implies that the firm has to maintain a competitive advantage in the global market by working within a financial limit while at the same time generating enough revenue for its success. The final part of the mission addresses social responsibility. Every organization operates in a social environment. B$J’s management plays a social responsibility by responding to social issues such as...
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