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Child Poverty

Essay Instructions:

Module 4 - Case


Choose one of the articles from your required background readings, and address the questions appearing below for this paper:

What is the author’s thesis and where does it appear in the paper?

What is the main idea of the third paragraph of this paper?

What supporting details and, if applicable, examples are provided to convey this main idea?

What is the main idea of the fifth paragraph of this paper?

What supporting details and, if applicable, examples are provided to convey this main idea?

What is the main idea of the seventh paragraph of this paper?

What supporting details and, if applicable, examples are provided to convey this main idea?

In the end, what does the author conclude?

Assignment Expectations

Length: The written component of this assignment should be 2-3 pages long (double-spaced).

References: Cite relevant background reading material. Quoted materials should not exceed 10% of the total paper (since the focus of these assignments is critical thinking). Use your own words and build on the ideas of others. Materials copied verbatim from external sources must be enclosed in quotation marks. In-text reference citations are required as well as a list of references at the end of the assignment. (APA format is required.)

Organization: Subheadings should be used to organize your paper according to the questions.

Format: APA format is required for this assignment.

Grammar and Spelling: While no points are deducted for minor errors, assignments are expected to adhere to standard guidelines of grammar, spelling, punctuation, and sentence syntax. Points may be deducted if grammar and spelling impact clarity.

The following items will be assessed in particular:

Achievement of learning outcomes for this Case Assignment.

Relevance—All content is connected to the question.

Precision—Specific question is addressed. Statements, facts, and statistics are specific and accurate.

Depth of discussion—Points that lead to deeper issues are presented and integrated.

Breadth—Multiple perspectives and references, and multiple issues/factors are considered.

Evidence—Points are well supported with facts, statistics, and references.

Logic—Discussion makes sense; conclusions are logically supported by premises, statements, or factual information.

Clarity—Writing is concise and understandable and contains sufficient detail or examples.

Objectivity—Avoids the use of first person and subjective bias.

Hornberg, C., & Pauli, A. (2007). Child poverty and environmental justice. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health, 210(5), 571-580.

Kiefer, D. (2012). Soy and breast cancer. Integrative Medicine Alert.

Weathers, A.C., Noval, S.P., Sastry, N., & Norton, E.C. (2008). Parental nativity affects children’s health and access to care. Journal of Immigrant Minority Health, 10, 155-165.


Author Unknown (n.d.). Table 6.1. Basic Citation Styles. Retrieved from http://courses(dot)unt(dot)edu/bullock/APA/Table6.1.pdf

California State University, Chico, Merriam Library (2011). What is a scholarly article? Retrieved from http://www(dot)csuchico(dot)edu/lins/handouts/scholarly.pdf

Green, C.W., & Swygart-Hobaugh, M. (n.d.). A guide to evaluating resources: Scholarly vs. non-scholarly, primary vs. secondary, and Internet/WWW. Retrieved from http://www(dot)cornellcollege(dot)edu/politics/courses/allin/Misc/guide%20to%20evaluating%20resources.pdf

The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL) (2011). Retrieved from https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/

University of Southern California Libraries (n.d.). Organizing your social science research paper. Retrieved from http://libguides(dot)usc(dot)edu/content.php?pid=83009&sid=645284

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Child Poverty
1 Introduction
2 Poverty in Europe
* Child poverty
* Thesis statement
3 Measuring child poverty in germany
4 Child poverty and inequality
5 Impacts of poverty on children health and development
6 Conclusion
7 References
1 Introduction
In their paper Claudia and Andrea, bring out the aspects of child poverty in areas of Germany and the level of complexity. The thesis of the paper, relates to the poverty levels that most of the children in Germany have to cope with and the levels of injustices that are associated with their environment (Kiefer, 2012). This is an aspect that is quite spread out on the paper but appears on some of the sections, where there are more elaborate illustrations of the predicaments involved. In the background section the writers bring out the fact that some of the developed countries, while they may not have emphasized on their level of poverty in their policy definitions, there are complex developments.
2 Poverty in Europe
* Child Poverty
Majority of Europe according to the writers ignored the aspects of poverty among its citizens terming it as an isolated scenario, borne by a few of the people and are not significant (Hornberg & Pauli, 2007). This was the case in the 60s and the 70s; however, in the 90s the situation has turned on its head and is no longer associated with marginal groups of people.
* Thesis Statement
The thesis of the paper is illustrated in the impacts section where the authors of the reports bring out the effects that the poverty levels have on the children and their development processes. This is critical as it illustrates the impacts that poverty has on the physical, social, chemical and the environmental levels of these children (Kiefer, 2012).
3 Measuring Child Poverty in Germany
In the third paragraph in the paper, the authors discus the aspects of measuring levels of child poverty in Germany. This is quite crucial considering the most of the studies that have been carried out throughout Germany have had some disparity on the consensus of data collection (Kiefer, 2012).Out of the many empirical analyses that have been carried out, there seems to be a disparity on the agreed way to measure child poverty when put alongside the official studies ...
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