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Chemical Properties and Toxic Effects of Chromium (Cr)

Essay Instructions:

This unit covers various ways that chemicals or toxicants can impact an individual. The impact that chemical exposure can cause ranges from localized effects on various organs and developmental or reproductive effects to cancer.

Consider the types of places that a safety inspector would visit for an inspection such as a manufacturing or processing plant, a construction site, or a pharmaceutical company. You may even consider the environment that a firefighter may encounter for this assignment. Then identify one chemical or toxicant that an individual may be exposed to in this type of workplace. Research the chemical or toxicant and discuss the following aspects in your scholarly activity response:

Identify the chemical and discuss the chemical properties. What level of exposure of this chemical is considered toxic? What duration of exposure can produce a toxic effect?

Identify the type of workplace where this chemical may be found and the use of the chemical in this environment.

Discuss how exposure of the chemical to the worker could occur. Include the route of exposure and what organ(s) or systems of the body could be affected.

Discuss the toxic effects produced from exposure to this chemical. Consider if it is a localized or systemic effect. Are the effects acute or chronic? Explain the symptoms and effects of the toxic exposure including the organs damaged and the type of damage that occurs. Is the chemical a carcinogen, allergenic, or something else?

Discuss how to prevent toxic exposure to the chemical and any known treatments available for toxicity from this chemical.

Your scholarly activity response should be at least two pages in length and utilize at least three credible sources. Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Chromium (Cr) is a brittle, steely-gray hard metal with a high corrosion resistance. When polished, it acquires a shiny surface utilized in plating other metals to form an attractive and protective covering. Its chemical properties include an electrode potential of -0.560V. The substance is also defined by an electronegativity of 1.66 and an X-ray absorption edge of 2.07A. The above electronegativity suggests than Chromium is ionic. The level of exposure that makes it toxic in the human body is more than 100 ppb, representing the number of milligrams per liter. This means the substance becomes harmful with an excess of the above amount in the body. The duration of exposure that Chromium produces has a toxic impact on people, ranging from hours to days.
The above chemical is commonly found in manufacturing industries, primarily entities that use metals in their production. An excellent example is organizations that manufacture leather products. Chromium is used in such firms as a catalyst when tanning and dyeing the leather material. The element's salts, especially Chromium (III) sulfate and chrome alum, are critical in stabilizing leather by cross-linking collagen fibers. In such surroundings, workers may get exposed to the chemical through ingestion, inhalation, and dermal absorption. Individuals who breathe in highly concentrated Chromium face health impacts like irritation at the nose lining. The chemical also leads to breathing challenges.
Contact with this substance leads to skin reactions and ulcers. If water or food is contaminated with Chromium, stomach and intestine linings experience irritation that causes discomfort. The situation calls for effective measures for entities that deal with the chemical and individuals. The effects emanating from exposure to Chromium are localized and acute. However, long-term exposure puts individuals at high risk of lung and skin cancers, wh...
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