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Change and Culture Case Study II

Essay Instructions:
Six months after the merger described in Change and Culture Case Study I, the new administration initiated a significant reduction in force. A decision was made to redesign patient care delivery. The administration's first job redesign recommendation was that of a Universal Worker. The Universal Worker would deliver many support services. Aware that this model often failed when implemented in other organizations, your administrator charged you with making redesign work this time. a) How would you begin the process of job redesign? Do not consider only the universal worker. b) What work processes and performance expectations must be considered once the design is completed? c) Based on the article by Peter Senge, (Readings on Case Study I), what steps and structures will you put in place to make the organization a true learning organization, and thereby encourage workers and managers to adapt and excel in spite of the changes? d) How can you plan and control the intra-organizational and inter-organizational communications that must occur to implement the job design changes? e) How can management ensure individual job satisfaction for this position? Provide your answer in a 1,750 - 2,100-word paper with 8 references. ORGANIZATION/DEVELOPMENT: The introduction provides sufficient background on the topic and previews major points. The conclusion is logical, flows, and reviews the major points. The information is presented in a readable and understandable manner. Utilized 8 References and follows APA guidelines for format. The paper is laid out with effective use of headings, font styles, and white space.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
CHANGE AND CULTURE CASE STUDY II Name: Grade Course: Tutor`s Name: (20, January, 2011) Change and Culture Case Study II: Job Redesigning Introduction The process of redesigning of an employees job involve changing or restructuring of the current job core elements to make it more motivating for the job performer. It may also be defined as a process of enhancing the motivational potential of a given job description through alteration of the job`s core elements. The process of job redesigning may happen in three ways ;through job enlargement where it involve alteration of activities at similar levels ,job rotation involving movement from one job description to another and finally it may occur through job enrichment which is a redesigning process intended to allow performers experience more responsibility, growth, achievement as well as recognition. Process of job redesign Before the organization carries out a job design for its staff in this case the creation of more responsibilities for the universal worker in offering of patient care services, there is a recommended procedure that must be considered to ensure that the process becomes successful and prevents impacting negatively on the operations of the organization. The process of job re-structuring is a sensitive issue considering the fact that some of its models have been tried by some organizations in the past but have encountered problems prompting their failure in implementation (Alto, 1999). First, one carrying out the redesigning process using the socio-technical model must select the organizational system or subsystem that is to be focused on and this includes carting out of studies concerning the specific group of workers that are to be involved in the process and how they relate to each other at work place. The study must also identify the larger organizational broader objectives of which the jobs redesigned are part of it and devise ways in which the process such goals can be accomplished under the new structure. In addition to that one must consider the structure of the current job classification system in the company. Secondly the manager undertaking the process, must define the relevant tasks as well as the activities in the organization and these includes the work tasks that promotes accomplishment of the organizations objectives, the unique personal or managerial skills that are required, the unique need and aspirations of the workers in such jobs, and finally the need to always keep in mind the function of the organization involved and the importance of maintaining a balance between the social and technical requirements of the organization (Feder, 2000). The third process involved in the redesigning of the job in the company is the stage of carrying out of a job analysis and this involves use of interview to acquire information from the job incumbents and their supervisors, use of direct observation or from the on-the-job experience, organizing meeting with those in high level management of the organization as well as the representatives from the human resource department, filing of questionnaire and checklists by supervisors, job incumbent and any other person familiar with the job being analyzed, psychological tests and the ratings of requirements and finally from other sources of information like the training manuals and the current job guides. The purpose of conducting a job analysis before redesigning process is to obtain information on what the job really consist of especially the underlying human elements as each social system is very unique hence the importance of carrying out an analysis that is specific to the organization on focus. After conducting a detailed job analysis then definition of the unique characteristics or constraints that the organization has and this is very critical in the success of the model as each organization is characterized by particular characteristics or constraints that may include the age of its work force, the setting of the work as well as the job classification plan and thus definition of such traits helps in identification. After defining the organizations constraint the manger can now develop a clustering of the tasks and this involves working of tasks and personal skills clustered basing on the similarity of in behaviors or common requirements as well as identifying the tasks that may be meaningfully grouped together and be defined as a job category for a performer. A list of techniques to be used for intervention purposes is devised and these must be relevant to the organization in this case the health services organization. The techniques listed should then be related to the requirements and assumptions of the socio-technical model. The appropriateness of the selected techniques and principles to the selected clusters of jobs is determined through brainstorming by the organization`s managers (Cunningham& Eberle, 1990). The next process in the designing if the job restructuring is involvement of the managers in defining and clarifying on the appropriate level of implementation of the model in the organization then the whole picture of the model is drawn showing successes that have been realized as far as the implementation of the model is concerned. A list of techniques to be used to screen generalities or vague statements as well to eliminate them especially the ones that don`t have a specific implementation plans. The implementation plan identifies workers responsibilities in the implementation process, the timelines, resource required, contingency plans as well as the bottlenecks. In addition to that a process of implementation of the model is developed and this is very useful as the theory of the design. This process consist of definition of forces that hinder or aid the implementation stage of the model hence the screening of techniques to be used to eliminate forces that can not be implemented without having to change the job-classification plan. Finally the job description and process of design is adopted and should be reviewed or altered anytime the organizations critical requirements change. Work processes and performance expectations Employees and management performance should be continu...
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