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Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention - Primary Health Project

Essay Instructions:
You will be writing a project teaching children about the importance of preventing Lead poisoning. The plan is to address the issues of lead poisoning in the community by teaching the children in two high risk zip-code areas 20901 and 20850 about the issue of Lead Poisoning. The ages of the children will be between 7 and 11 years. After the teaching, the children will replicate what they've learned by using their creative abilities to draw posters. By receiving this information the children will be able to share this knowledge with their parents and others within the community. After the drawings have been submitted, the winners will be rewarded educational prizes totaling $650.00. Three winners will be chosen from each site by an unbiased panel of judges. Procedure for Judging The judging will be done by ballot voting. The posters will be displayed in the large conference room at Silver Spring Health Center for two days, allowing the judges to view and vote at times that are convenient for them. Posters will be separated by site and numbered for the judging. Judges will vote based on the number of the poster for a first, second, and third place winner. Criteria o Originality o Creativity o Subject matter Selection of Judges Judges will be selected per each zip code community on a volunteer basis. There will be a total of approximately 5 to 6 judges. An e-mail will be forwarded to some HHS staff and community partners asking for volunteer judges to include: HHS, Montgomery Community College, Silver Spring, Boys and Girls Club, Bauer Drive Community Center and Washington Adventist University. o Identify the importance of preventing lead poisoning in the home, schools, and in the community. o Identify the sources of lead poisoning o Live lead free, productive lives. o Know the importance of nutrition and how it can prevent lead absorption. o Reduce the risks of childhood health, learning, and mental disabilities. a. Methodology 1. Pre and Post test 2. Video 3. Interactive question and answer session 4. Presentation b. Schedule (dates to be determine) o Go to Silver Spring Boys & Girls Club and / to promote poster contest and obtain parents consent. (prior to the contest) o Teach the children about prevention of lead poisoning; initiate poster contest o Have judging and display of posters at SSHC o Present prizes and awards at the Boys & Girls Club and Bauer Drive Community Center o Frame the winning posters and hang at them in the Silver Spring Health Center o
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Running Head: Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention - Primary Health Project
Course Title:
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This article is intended for children aged between 7 and 11 years. This is because they are more likely to suffer from the effects of lead poisoning more than other members of the community. The aim of the article is to emphasise on the importance of knowledge of lead poisoning and how it can be prevented. A group of health officials carries out an educational exercise on the children in zip codes 20901 and 20850 on how the effects of lead poisoning can be reduced and the importance of the knowledge of lead poisoning. The ages of children to be taught are between 7 and 11 years because they are more likely to suffer from lead poisoning than any members of the community. They are also more likely to learn quickly on how to protect themselves from the consequences of lead poisoning more than the elders in the community. This is attributed to their tendency to come into contact with dust and lead coated surfaces while they are playing.
Due to the negative effects of lead poisoning there have been several techniques that have been devised to minimise the chances of the calamity. A study by Rogan et al(1993) shows that the treatment of the condition after it has taken place is more difficult. He puts more emphasis on the primary prevention measures of preventing the condition such as not wearing outdoor shoes indoors that would carry dust into the room which could be a consequence for lead poisoning (Aub, 2001). He also emphasises that people should not walk barefoot outdoors because they carry the dust into the room when they get into the rooms. He also explains that babies and children are more likely to be affected by lead poisoning because they have breathing area close to the ground and they like putting things into their mouths.
Primary prevention techniques recommended
It was established that some of the primary techniques of preventing lead poisoning were:
Giving pets feet, legs and undersides a rubdown with a towel after taking them out for playing or exercise. Another method was to wash children’s hands on regular occasions before meals. This is due to the fact that children are more likely to ingest lead dust that land on their hands when they come into contact with things such as toys, carpet and furniture. Furthermore it is recommended that toys are washed before being given to the children specifically if these toys come into contact with a dusty environment (Breen, 1994).
Thirdly, it is recommended that people use only cold water from the facets for cooking and drinking. Lead is more likely to enter water supply from lead solder found in plumbing, lead service devices or lead pipes in homes and buildings. Cold water is considered safer because it is less likely to leech lead from these areas compared to hot water.
In case you are removing paint that is likely to contain lead, it is recommended that you wear a mask that prevents the lead from getting into your nose. This is due to the fact that outdoor paints that were manufactured before 1950 contained a large amount of lead. It has been decided that the study is carried out on children aged between the ages of 7 and 11 years because they have a higher chance of contacting lead related illnesses. They are also the ones that are likely to suffer the consequences of lead poisoning because they are still growing and the effects of lead poisoning are likely to be more harmful to them compared to the adults (Cantarow, 2007). They are also likely to play with dirty things that contain a lot of dust thus contributing to lead poisoning.
According to a journal article by Kwesi (1995) it is possible to reduce the cases of lead poisoning by educating the children on how they can protect themselves from getting into contact with substances that may contain lead such as dusty toys and gadgets. These can be attained through pre-school screening programmes and increased public awareness and elimination or reduction of lead from gasoline and substances made from paint products.
This section is meant for the strategies to be followed in the development of the major facts that the learner can be shown to believe the consequences of lead poisoning. This section also provides a guide on the techniques to use in gathering information concerning the lead poisoning (Steinhardt, 1999).
Statement of overall goal
The major goal is to enable the learner understand the causes of lead poisoning and the preventive measures to be followed in preventing the occurrence of the condition, putting in mind the causes of lead poisoning mentioned above. The section is also aimed at enabling the health personnel to present their findings in a way that the learner is able to grasp the ideas without strain.
List of objectives
The health personnel will be aiming to ensure they gather enough information about lead poisoning. They will also be aiming at presenting their findings to the children and parents in the community. The personnel will also be aiming at identifying what the community children know about lead poisoning. This will be followed by ensuring that they deliver their knowledge of the causes of lead poisoning to the children in the easiest w...
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