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Nutrition Case Study Proteins: Type 2 Diabetes Research

Essay Instructions:

NTR 5101: Macronutrients New York Chiropractic College Case Study # 3
Directions: Please answer the questions below which pertain to the case study. When answering the questions, please use peer-­‐reviewed references. There is no page limit but please be concise. Quality is more important than quantity.
C.S. is a 45-­‐year-­‐old Hispanic man with a 10-­‐year history of type 2 diabetes. He has a glycated hemoglobin of 7.0% and a blood pressure of 130/80 mmHg, treated with an angiotensin-­‐converting enzyme inhibitor for the past 2 years. He has stable background retinopathy and is a nonsmoker. His BMI has been 30 (height 5′10″, weight 210 lb) for the past year. However, lately, he has put himself on the latest high-­‐protein diet (i.e., the Atkins diet).
His weight has dropped by 10 lb, his fasting serum triglyceride level has fallen from 185 to 130 mg/dl, and his blood pressure has decreased to 120/78 mmHg. His LDL cholesterol has remained stable at 102 mg/dl on a statin. His serum creatinine is 0.9 mg/dl, and his 24-­‐hour urine shows a significant increase in microalbumuria from 100 mg/24 hours last year to the current 200 mg/24 hours. He has stage 1 chronic kidney disease indicating kidney damage, with a normal glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of 98 ml/min/1.73 m2.
1. Would the weight reduction, blood pressure, and lipid-­‐lowering accomplished by this high-­‐protein, low-­‐carbohydrate diet be an acceptable choice for a patient who is at significant risk of cardiovascular disease?
2. What are the recommendations of the American Heart Association (AHA), the National Kidney Foundation (NKF), the National Academy of Sciences, and the American Diabetes Association (ADA) regarding this type of diet for diabetes and/or weight loss?
3. What has research revealed about appropriate levels of macronutrients for patients such as C.S.?

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Type 2 Diabetes
Institutional Affiliation
Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes is a disorder that arises as a result of an elevation in the body glucose levels beyond the normal concentration. The condition is referred to as hyperglycemia. It is the most common type of diabetes. Type 2 diabetes was initially unheard of in children, hence it used to be referred to as adult-onset diabetes. However, the trend has changed due to the ever increasing number of childhood obesity cases, and the disease is now common among the youths especially among the Native American Youths and Asian Pacific Islanders. Insulin is crucial for the body since it regulates blood sugar levels. However, in the case of Type 2 Diabetes, the body does not use the produced insulin properly, a condition referred to as insulin resistance. Unstable production of insulin is normally because the body is unable to produce enough insulin needed to maintain the normal glucose levels. Diabetes disorder is one of the leading causes of kidney failure, blindness and also increases the risk of heart diseases. To this end, the article will delve around the appropriate diet that diabetic patients need to adhere to so as to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
It is necessary to maintain a healthy diet in order to reduce the invasion of opportunistic diseases that may arise as a result of the body weak immune system. Maintenance of healthy body conditions, especially for the diabetic patients may be through lowering blood pressure, lipid and weight reduction (Swain, ACSM, & Brawne, 2012). The three conditions can be managed through the low intake of carbohydrate and high protein diet (Swain, ACSM, & Brawne, 2012).
High protein diet is paramount to the good health of a diabetic patient. According to the United States Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), intake of high soy protein diet is recommended. When Soy protein is included in a low-cholesterol and low-fat diet, it can lower total LDL-C levels and total blood cholesterol without necessarily affecting the HDL-C levels (Swain, ACSM, & Brawne, 2012). FDA further states that a healthy diet of soy has to contain more than 6.25g of soy protein, low fat of less than 3g, less than 1g of SFA and less than 20mg of cholesterol. The common soy protein food sources are soybeans, soy flour, soy milk, textured soy protein, tempeh, and tofu (Swain, ACSM, & Brawne, 2012). However, it is essential to note that soy oil and soy sauces do not contain the protein. Furthermore, soy isoflavones, saponin, fibers, phytic acid and soy protein are said to be involved in lipid lowering effect, with soy protein being the active component. Additionally, soy protein supplements reduce the coronary risk factors, as it replaces the diets rich in high saturated fats and cholesterol (Swain, ACSM, & Brawne, 2012).
In addition, carbohydrates-rich food such as sugary drinks and refined beverages increase the risk of diabetes. According to the ...
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