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MHS599 MSHS Integrative Project CASE MOD 3 Assignment

Essay Instructions:

Great job on citing corrections. Draft and outlined. Health seems easiest. I've screen shot some guides for policy. 
Module 3 - Case
Case Assignment
Recall that in MHS504, you were required to draft an outline as a first step toward structuring your Session Long Project paper for that course. For this Case Assignment, you are required to do the same, using components of your chosen project type (i.e., literature review, program plan, program evaluation, policy analysis paper, or research proposal) as your outline’s main headings. Click on the links in the table below to refresh your memory regarding components of each of these.
Literature review
Program plan
Program evaluation
Policy analysis paper
Research proposal
Please upload your 2- to 4-page outline to the Case 3 Dropbox by the end of this module.
Assignment Expectations
You are expected to consult the scholarly literature in preparing your paper; you are also expected to incorporate relevant background readings.
Your paper should be written in your own words. This will enable me to assess your level of understanding.
In order to earn full credit, you must clearly show that you have read all required background materials.
Cite your references in the text of all papers and on the reference list at the end.
Proofread your paper to ensure that grammar and punctuation are correct and that each part of the assignment has been addressed clearly and completely.
Your assignment will not be graded until you have submitted an Originality Report with a Similarity Index (SI) score <20% (excluding direct quotes, quoted assignment instructions, and references). Papers not meeting this requirement by the end of the session will receive a score of 0 (grade of F). Do keep in mind that papers with a lower SI score may be returned for revisions. For example, if one paragraph accounting for only 10% of a paper is cut and pasted, the paper could be returned for revision, despite the low SI score. Please use the report and your SI score as a guide to improve the originality of your work.
Length: 2–4 double-spaced pages.
Admin pasting from messages:

MAKE AN OUTLINE FOR THE FINAL MODULE STEM cell RESEARCH. TITLE EACH AS FOLLOWS : (i.e., literature review, program plan, program evaluation, policy analysis paper, or research proposal) as your outline’s main headings.


In this Discussion forum, please discuss your experience building the outline that will serve as the basis for the forthcoming final paper of your review/plan/paper/proposal. What were some of the challenges you encountered in drafting your outline? What resources did you consult to refresh your memory about the type of project you are undertaking (i.e., literature review, program plan, program evaluation, policy analysis paper, or research proposal)? How might you locate information of this sort down the road once you have graduated?

The stem cells research is one that has been riddled with a lot of controversy, but also one that could be a solution to the long standing problem with cancer (Hope4cancer.com, 2016). At the time of developing the outline for the research proposal, there were some few challenges that came up. One of the main challenge, was relative to what the research would focus on. This is inlight of the fact that, stem cells research and application is a wide field and one that is not fully developed. 

As such, choosing the right topic for the research proposal was quite challenging as the paper has to capture the current industry challenges and the possibilities of the science in the future along with the practicality of the same. Establishing the flow of the paper was also quite challenging, which also ties in with the wide array of material available and further the criticism associated with the content and applications. Ideally, the content of the paper had to relate to only what has been approved and considered to work. Being a relatively young field of medical science, there is quite a large amount of data available and some are not as relevant. 

To make sure that the research is well founded on facts and reliable information on the topic, the resources that were consulted included journals and books that have a broad approach to the topic and a much narrower perspective related to applications on cancer (Ribas, 2016). The best way to track down the information is through the scholarly databases such as the library. Most of the library databases have an online platform where most of the research can be achieved and retrieved at one time (Ribas, 2016). 



Hope4cancer.com,. (2016). Stem cells and Cancer | Hope4Cancer Institute. Hope4cancer.com. Retrieved 2 August 2016, from http://www(dot)hope4cancer(dot)com/stem-cells.html.

Ribas, A. (2016). Genetic Re-programming of Stem cells to Fight Cancer. California's Stem cell Agency. Retrieved 2 August 2016, from https://www(dot)cirm(dot)ca(dot)gov/our-progress/awards/genetic-re-programming-stem-cells-fight-cancer-0.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

MHS599 MSHS Integrative Project CASE MOD 3
Huey Watson
Dr. Angela Willson
I. Diabetes self-management
Diabetes is a growing health concern, while self-management practices are likely to improve health outcomes among diabetes patients.
It is necessary to empower and educate the families to improve diabetes self-management practices for adolescents with diabetes.
Understanding the various factors that affect diabetes management makes it easier to improve self-care.
Programs initiated to support diabetes self-management need to take into consideration the social, cultural and economic context (Ramal, et al., 2012).
Patient -centered care improves health outcomes, while the barriers to diabetes self-management complicate matters and increase health costs.
Financial challenges Struggle with dieting, exercise, social support, knowledge of diabetes self-management and motivation are individual and environment factors affecting diabetes self-management.
11. Access to resources
Access to health information enhances health intervention, better nutrition and diabetes adherence.
Access to resources is associated with self-monitoring and healthy diets, while the disadvantaged groups have to prioritize how self-care affects their economic status (Onwudiwe ., et al., 2016).
Diabetes patients get information from close family members, health practitioners, news and the library.
Adolescents living under the care of their parents or guardians also involve them in decision making, trusting that they can access adequate health information.
Diabetes patients may be overwhelmed with the amount of information, which can be frustrating if they get the health information from various sources.
III. Social support to improve diabetes self management
Social support is the belief that one can get assistance when it is readily available, especially the friends and families, but also the health practitioners (Mulvaneyet al., 2006).
Professional recommendations are associated with self-efficacy and self- management behaviors, where the family is likely to be more involved in self-management.
Satisfaction with support is likely to improve self-care practices, including blood glucose monitoring and proper dieting where reminding and encouraging facilitates changes.
Health practitioners and care givers should take a more active role to create environments where patients with diabetes can voice their concerns and get...
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