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Case Study II Steve Rogers. Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

In the 12-week training program include specific exercises, sets, reps, suggested rest times, etc. USE CHARTS TO ILLUSTRATE THE TRAINING PROGRAMS. Client should be able to utilize program without contacting me for clarity. Please double space.

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Steve Rogers Case Study
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Calculating the Client’s Heart Rate
It is now time to calculate the client’s heart rate, which can be done using the Karvonen formula.
Heart rate = (Maximum heart rate of the client - Resting heart rate of the client) x % intensity +Resting heart rate
His maximum heart rate is nearly 210, and the resting heart rate is 60. So, all of the available values will be put together in the Karvonen formula to obtain the desired results (Dickinson, 2018).
The minimum heart rate of Steve Rogers is calculated as follows:
210 - 60 = 150
150 - 27 = 123
123 x 0. 60 + 55 = 128.8 beats per minute
The maximum heart rate of Steve Rogers is calculated as follows:
210 - 60 = 150
150 - 27 = 123
123 x 0.70 + 65 = 151.1 beats per minute
A Brief Case History of the Client
Before calculating the heart rate of Steve Rogers, it was vital for me to conduct a brief interview to know more about his lifestyle, age, and habits. I called him to my office the previous week and requested him to give me at least two hours to get the things discussed. After the conversation session, I got to know that the client’s age is 27, his resting heart rate is 60 bpm, height is 6'0", weight is 178 lb and body fat percentage is 11 percent. Mr. Steve also told me that he had quit on his running for some time. Years ago, he used to run long distances and was habitual of exercises.
Running was his passion and a way to remain physically and mentally active. When I asked about the resistance training, Steve Rogers told me that he was not interested in that and wanted an alternative. He looked tired of being a skinny man and needed to regain his muscle strength as early as possible. Once this 12-week training program comes to an end, Rogers will travel back to his hometown to attend a close friend’s wedding. It made me understand that he was not interested in shedding any pound; instead, Steve Rogers was concerned about the way he looked (Dickinson, 2018). He wanted to bring flexibility in his body and to strengthen his muscles so that he could impress the relatives and friends at the wedding ceremony. I decided to plan things according to his mode and lifestyle and did not want to put an extra burden on the client.
At the end of this session, Steve Rogers was asked to make a full payment so that he could be introduced to the training program. I explained that the effectiveness of this program would depend on how actively he participates in the day-to-day activities and how quick he is at learning some exercises that are meant to strengthen his muscles and help him regain a well-toned body.
Most Suitable Fitness Tests, Evaluation Methods and Data Collection Techniques for the Client
It was important for Mr. Steve Rogers to spend some hours in the gym and see how different equipment and machines are to be used. He learned the basics of exercising as well as its benefits. As he had refused to go with resistance training, I introduced him to the PVC pipe that would help the client strengthen his muscles in a short time. He was also briefed about how to use the barbell, dumbbell, and different machine exercise. I have planned to include yoga and the brisk walk in his 12-week training program to help Steve increase his chances of toning his body. I aim to use some necessary fitness tests and evaluation methods to determine his heart rate. The data will be collected using simple machines since Mr. Steve’s budget is low and he cannot afford to pay a lot for high-profile laboratory tests.
The 12-Week Training Program for Steve Rogers
The 12-week training program of Steve Rogers will act as a foundational macrocycle. It looks like he is not preparing for any specific event or sport, which means it will be difficult for the client to live a healthy and active life. He may be required to burn body fats, and for this purpose, Steve Rogers will have to strengthen his muscles and to gain flexibility by doing a number of exercises. He will be encouraged to try some workouts, ranging from the basic exercises to advanced and more effective workouts. He will have to do the workout for five or six days a week, and Sunday will be off for Steve Rogers so that he can pay attention to other things (Schollaert & Lievens, 2011). The exercises will be a combination of both aerobic and anaerobic, which aim to help him shed extra pounds and increase the strength and flexibility of his muscles. Before the end of the eleventh and twelfth weeks, Steve Rogers’s body weight will be checked to determine whether he has lost the weight or needs to spend some more time with me in order to be trained.
The first week is intended as a refresher in which Steve Rogers will be introduced to a number of exercises, equipment and will be allowed to spend some time in the gym. I aim to help him build confidence before the workout is started. From week 1 to week 4, Steve Rogers will be informed about the goals of this program. He will be taught how to warm-up the body before an exercise. This is done to ensure that his heartbeat remains at the normal level before he begins doing some intense or basic workouts. In case Steve Rogers does not warm-up his body,...
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