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Caregivers As Patient Advocates: Healing Process Of Patients

Essay Instructions:

Explain why caregivers are considered patient advocates. When and how does one become a patient advocate? Discuss the legal implications of being a patient advocate. What resources can patient advocates access to help them perform their roles/responsibilities? Identify a minimum of three resources within the last 5 years.

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Caregivers as Patient Advocates
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May 10, 2019
Caregivers play a crucial role in the treatment and healing process of patients. They act as the forefronts, not only in taking care of the patient’s physical, but as well as the patient’s psychological and emotional needs. Nonetheless, caregivers should always be patient advocates. They must always stand up for what the patient truly needs, and act as the channel in which these needs could be addressed in the most efficient and timely manner CITATION get15 \l 1033 (getpalliativecare.org, 2015). Aside from this, a caregiver can also become a patient advocate by taking into consideration the patient’s personal beliefs, tradition, and culture, among others in developing and conducting a treatment process on his own initiative. However, in order to become a full-pledge patient advocate, a caregiver must file the necessary requirements to be able to do so. This is because ‘official’ patient advocates are those which have the “legal document that allows individuals to designate another person(s) in advance to make medical treatment decisions for them” CITATION Casnd \l 1033 (Caswell, n.d.). Thus, it is important to have the necessary qualities as well as the legal capacities in order to become a patient advocate.
Despite the e...
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