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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Capstone Project Proposal Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Write a proposal for your evidence-based capstone project that will be due in HCA-699.

The proposal should be similar in format to an executive summary (a common element in typical business plans). Outline the nature of your project and explain what type(s) of research is needed to support your project.

Refer to the "Capstone Project Resources" for assistance in developing your proposal.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.



Evidence-Based Practice Project Format

Use the following format and headings when constructing your final evidence-based practice project proposal paper for HCA 699.

1) Title page

2) Abstract (350-500 words)

a) Contains project title, project director’s name, and affiliation.

b) Presents a complete and concise overview of all phases of the proposed project.

3) Section A: Problem Description

4) Section B: Literature Support

5) Section C: Solution Description

6) Section D: Change Model

7) Section E: Implementation Plan

8) Section F: Evaluation

9) Appendices

a) Critical Appraisal Checklists

b) Evaluation Table

c) Conceptual Models

d) Timeline

e) Resource List

f) Proposal Instruments

g) Data Collection Tool

h) Budget

i) Optional

i) Approval Forms

ii) Handouts

iii) Evaluation Tools

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Capstone Project Proposal
Capstone Project Proposal
Intensive Health Care Unit (ICU) is considered as the most delicate part in hospitals, and, therefore needs a lot of policies to be in place to monitor how it is operated. One of the policies that had been placed is the restriction on the visiting hours by friends and family members. However, there is need to introduce an open visiting hours system at the ICU to give emotional support to patients. Hence, the work focuses on a plan that will help in determining the positive outcome of implementing an open visiting hour policy at the ICU.
Executive Summary
Ideally, the term open visiting hours is used to describe the time that is set to put patients’ preference first by allowing family and friends to visit them. However, patients always need a lot of time to rest without any disturbance. Moreover, physicians require private time with the patients to receive information regarding their progress before continuing with their treatment. The private time can only be obtained by restricting the period which people are allowed to see the patients. However, there is an intensive debate regarding whether to restrict the time or not. According to Khaleghparast et al. (2016), patients at the ICU are potentially depressed and needs frequent visit by friends and family members. Also, little research had been done on the topic and most of the studies that had been conducted originate from Europe and the US.
Hence, the plan that will be developed will help in determining the outcome of open visiting hours at the intensive care unit. The study will be done based on the possibility of infecting patients at the ICU and the emotional and physiological function of setting open visiting time to friends and family members. Further, the plan will focus on the effects of the open visiting hour’s strategy on nurses, patients, and the visitors (Whitton & Pittiglio, 2011). Ostensibly, family members are always concerned about the progress of their patient and they bring emotional support to them. Also, nurses require more private time to attend to the patients. However, despite the fact that patients’ need to be visited frequently by their friends and family members for emotional support, sometimes they may require lonely time to rest.
The plan will contain abstract, introduction, methodology, recommendations, and conclusion. Further, it will provide sufficient information that will aid in making decision on whether people should be restricted on the period needed to visit their patients. Moreover, the plan will give advantages and disadvantages of the policy to every stakeholder involved including patient, nurses, friends, and family members. Also, the plan will give the population that will be studied and the size of sample that will be used. Similarly, the plan will outline the methods of data collection including questionnaires, interviews, and observation. Finally, the methods of study design and data analysis will...
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