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Business Plan for the Colorado FNP Diabetes Care Center

Essay Instructions:

2-3 page paper Business Plan that addresses the following:

Identify and explain your chosen business structure. (Family Practice)

Estimate monthly cost for establishing your own independent practice in your home state (COLORADO), including:

Clinical site expenses

Employee structure and expenses


Utilities and other overhead expenses

Malpractice insurance

Continuing education expenses

Accounting fees

Services identified that you will provide (e.g., primary care services, drug screens, DOT exams)

Projected monthly income necessary to support your independent practice

Buppert, C. (2015). Appendix 11-C: Sample NP Business Plan. In Nurse Practitioner’s Business Practice and Legal Guide (5th ed.). (402-416). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett.

Ford, L. C.. & Gardenier, D. (2015). Fasten your seat belts - it’s going to be a bumpy ride. The Journal for Nurse Practitioners, 11(6), 575-577.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Business Plan
Institution Affiliation
Business Plan
Business Plan for the Colorado FNP Diabetes Care Center
The Colorado FNP Diabetes Care Center will offer specialized clinical services on diabetes and various cardiovascular conditions, including high blood pressure, hyperlipidemia, and obesity. The diabetes clinic is based on a comprehensive medical approach that will cover treatment as well as patient education. Both the treatment and patient education will be offered on an individual basis to ensure that the unique needs of the clients are carefully addressed. In the Colorado FNP Diabetes Care Center, patients will be offered services as a whole, including their families for proper management of the illnesses. One of the short-term goals during the first month after opening the clinic is obtaining accreditation from either the Diabetes Education or American Association of Diabetes Educators. Such accreditation will help the clinic to easily get additional reimbursements from insurance organizations such as Medicaid and Medicare (Ford & Gardenier, 2015).
The Colorado FNP Diabetes Care Center will be located at Clayton St near Cherry Creek Shopping Center in Denver. The main objective of the clinic is to meet the needs of the population living in Denver city and other surrounding areas. In particular, the center will target Hispanic community living within this town because this portion of the population has limited access to a bilingual provider or an endocrinologist, who can help them manage diabetes with the current technological and medical advancements.
The idea of establishing the Colorado FNP Diabetes Care Center is based on both the needs in the community and the disturbing diabetes statistics at local and national levels. 2012 Statistics from National Diabetes Report indicate that approximately 29.1 million American citizens suffered from diabetes and around 8.1 million individuals were undiagnosed (American Diabetes Association, 2014). The disease is common among elderly compared to other age brackets. Concerning ethnic background and race, rates stood at 7.6% for Caucasians, 9.0% for Asians, 12.8% for Hispanics, 13.2% for blacks and American Indians had 15.9% in 2012. The prevalence of diabetes is expected to double by 2050 (American Diabetes Association, 2014). In 2012 alone, diabetes cost the United States approximately $245 billion due to direct medical expenses and the cost of reduced productivity in the population. This cost is projected to increase to an estimated $3.4 trillion by 2020 due to the increased number of diabetes patients (American Diabetes Association, 2014).
Various marketing strategies will be utilized to promote the services of the clinic among the potential customers. The main technique that will be used...
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