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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Build a Project Charter

Essay Instructions:

For your final project (due in week 8), you will be tasked to building an operational plan. You will complete sections of this project throughout the course. The development of a project charter is the first part of laying the ground work for your final paper. Identify an operational problem you feel would benefit from having a project deployed and build a complete project charter.

Examples of an operational problem: staffing shortages, throughput issues, financial challenges, limited access, processes needed through standard work.

**An operational problem is solving a short term problem that impacts things such as throughput.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation
Course Code
Project Mission Statement
This project will focus on employee retention at Concord Medical Center, through offering a competitive salary package, training and development, solving relationships and performance issues and offering career path development.
Project Scope
Concord Medical Center is a 244- bed hospital that serves Contra Costa and southern Solano counties. The facility is well known for its cancer and cardiac care including open hear surgery and cardiology. They also run orthopedic, neurology and general surgery programs. Due to its contribution and ability to address some of the most disturbing diseases, the facility receives high number of patients. This has often resulted to work burnout among staff leading to a high staff turnover rate. This has consequently affected the quality of services leading to low returns.
The aim of this project is to address the problem by looking into the employee welfare and at the possibility of offering a competitive salary package. Moreover, given the hospital mostly focuses on cancer and other related illness, it will require that the employees be taken through training and career development for them to update their knowledge in the field. Further, this project will also review work-life balance so as to have a balanced approach in the employee performance against their social life and relationships. We believe these strategies will work to bolster the staff morale and enhance employee retention amid rising needs for medical staff.
High-level Requirements
The completion of this project will have numerous impacts on the facility, which include;
* Improve patient outcome
* Improve employee satisfaction
* Enhance staff retention and provide job security to the employees
Assigned Project Manager and Authority Level
The project manager will be John Muir, the h...
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