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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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The Trans-theoretical Model

Essay Instructions:

to answer the discussion question

Alcohol consumption is a problem all over the world. Most families or households struggle with chronic alcoholism, which ends up causing more harm than good (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). I have a relative who is so 

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The Trans-theoretical Model
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Alcohol consumption is a problem all over the world. Most families or households struggle with chronic alcoholism, which ends up causing more harm than good (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010). I have a relative who is so addicted to alcohol. He ended up causing an accident as a drunk driver, injuring his foot.
David started drinking when he was in elementary school. As the only child in his family, he could be left home alone or with his grandmother; she used to drink too. David gradually lost himself into alcoholism.
After the accident, David thought about giving up inebriety as it had nearly cost him his life. Immediately after the physician discharged him, he swore he would never drink. In this contemplation stage, David lessened his visits to parties and clubs. He blatantly refused offers for beer. Withdrawal symptoms were slowly crawling back. David started complaining o...
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