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Body Building: Hypertrophy Phase

Essay Instructions:

Week 10

The information covered in this week's lecture and reading assignments will help you with the following assignment. Your answers should be concise, complete, and typed in a Microsoft Word document. When you are finished, upload the Word document to be graded using the dropbox below.

This week's assignment:

Case Study: Create a training script demonstrating your understanding of bodybuilding training principles for one of the phases of a training program (Foundational Training phase, Hypertrophy training phase, or Cutting training phase). The training script should be completed within the following guidelines:

State your name, school, or association that you work for.

State the training phase that you are designing the program for.

Outline the layout of the training program for one training day. (NOTE: Training program should be specific to one of the aforementioned phases of training.) Provide an explanation describing how your recommendations are specific to the phase of training that you have chosen to design the program for.

Provide thorough descriptions of the coaching cues you would use for each exercise that you recommend. For instance, if you recommend that the athlete should perform a front squat, state the coaching cues you will use to get the athlete to perform the movement properly. These coaching cues should be written in a narrative format. The reviewer should be able to read your script and get a mental image of what is trying to be relayed.

The training script should be for one training day.

Include both a warm-up and cool-down routine with coaching cue descriptions for each drill.

The script should be 1500+ words typed.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Hypertrophy Phase
Hypertrophy means that there is an upgrade or increase in the size of a muscle. This hypertrophy can be achieved by performing a tremendous or heavy exercise such as lifting weight and repeating the preferred exercises for the recommended time. In the Hypertrophy phase, the muscles are being worked to the point that it increased in size, and most of those people who engaged in this phase acquire muscle sore – this is normal because of the worked muscle. This hypertrophy phase also starts from low to intermediate exercises; if an individual is already immune to too many heavy workouts or activities, he or she can fully execute hard workouts. Examine a normal workout in the hypertrophy phase in a workout, and the transition is performed for three to six sets of at least eight to twenty repetitions of it. A barbell chest press can also be precisely performed in the hypertrophy phase for an approximate of fifty percent to seventy-five percent, which can only be suggested to perform only one as per OMR or one maximum repetition; this entails one to two-minute break. There is a large difference in hypertrophy and strength; some people are confused about these two factors. Strength, on the other hand, is about focusing on exercises that can give strength to the muscle, and these two variables in the number of sets and repetitions. For strength, those bodybuilder individuals are suggested to perform eight to twelve sets for sixty-five to seventy-five percent only for OMR – one maximum repetition. Another that also differs from hypertrophy is endurance; this endurance workout requires having fifteen to twenty repetitions at precisely fifty to sixty percent and only one maximum repetition. If an individual targets hypertrophy, he or she must know what are to do that coincides with the principles of the Hypertrophy phase.
1 Warm-up:
* Marching in place
* Arm circles
* Shoulder shrugs
* Hip circles
2 Exercise Proper: LEG DAY
* Box squats
* Lunges
* Leg curls
* Leg extensions
3 Cool-down:
* Hamstring stretch
* The figure of four stretch
* World’s greatest stretch
Hi, good day! I am your coach for today. My name is YOUR NAME. I am A STUDENT/AN EMPLOYEE of the NAME OF INSTITUTION/ASSOCIATION. I’ll be assisting you on your workout for today and will be guiding you throughout the routine. So before we start, I would like to introduce to you our training regimen for today. We will be doing exercises that fall under the hypertrophy training phase. Hypertrophy means that there is an upgrade or increase in the size of a muscle. This hypertrophy can be achieved by performing a tremendous or heavy exercise such as lifting weight and repeating the preferred exercises for the recommended time. In the Hypertrophy phase, the muscles are being worked to the point that it increased in size, and most of those people who engaged in this phase acquire muscle sore – this is normal because of the worked muscle.
Today, for your training phase, we will be focusing on the hypertrophy of your leg muscles. People usually refer to this as “Leg Day”. So, your exercise will include warm-up, exercise properly, and then cool-down. I have outlined the exercises that will be included for today, as you can see from above. So, before starting the exercise properly, we start this exercise with a warm-up, which will be done for approximately 5 minutes to get your muscles ready.
Your warm-up exercise includes marching in place, arm circles, shoulder shrugs, and hip circles. Each of these exercises will be done for 1 minute, with a total of 5 minutes.
* Marching in place
To do this, please stand straight in your place. Your elbows should be bent at an angle of 90 degrees. Make sure that your feet hip-width apart. As y...
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