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414 2SLP. PEN's Relationships and Expectations Dimension.

Essay Instructions:

Continuing with the same cultural group and health issue for the Session Long Project that you began in Module 1, write a paper to address the following:

Describe the Relationships and Expectations of the group you chose. Specifically address how each of the PEN-3 model’s three factors within the dimension of Relationships and Expectations applies to your group and provide examples.

Use subheadings to clearly show that you have addressed each of the three factors. Support your discussion with references from scholarly and professional references (not just your opinion).

Length: 2-3 pages (excluding the cover page and the reference list).

Essay Sample Content Preview:

PEN's Relationships and Expectations Dimension
Institutional Affiliation
PEN's Relationships and Expectations Dimension
Obesity has been considered one of the world's health crises besides Covid-19 and other chronic diseases. This is because it affects all age groups, and a lack of control is fatal. It is here that individuals develop other chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure and cancer, which is preventable through the consumption of healthy nutrition. Hispanics are among the most obese individuals in the US, considering their life transitions to sedentary lifestyles. The issue applies to children since they are exposed to environments that promote unhealthy eating and consumption of excess sugars while lacking in physical activities. This group of people is more prone to health issues than their non-Hispanic counterparts because most of them lie within the middle class and humble backgrounds where they struggle to make ends meet. Using the PEN's model, the relationships and expectations towards obesity and overweight in Hispanics depend on their perceptions, the enablers, and the nurturers, determining this group's health outcomes.
Perceptions and Attitudes
Shahbazi et al. (2018) argue that many Hispanic populations have information regarding healthy nutrition and physical exercise, yet a few individuals incorporate it into their family and personal schedules. Their attitudes towards obesity are quite informed, considering that many households understand the dangers of the health crisis (McInvale Trejo & Shaw-Ridley, 2019). Because most of the families hail from humble backgrounds, their focus is on educating their children and providing necessities to survive for their future. While fathers are searching for sources of livelihoods, mothers take the responsibility of cooking for the family and ensuring that the children are regulated. In light of this, it is clear that parents lack adequate time to engage in physical activities, which also determine that of the children (Shahbazi et al., 2018). Besides, many of these parents raise concerns about the barriers to physical activities. For instance, many parents fear sending their children to play because they may be kidnapped, considering that their neighborhoods' security is wanting. Children get kidnapped and others killed at least every day in these neighborhoods, making it difficult for children to engage in exercise. Also, since these neighborhoods are not controlled, accidents may occur from vehicles knocking down children while playing.
McInvale Trejo & Shaw-Ridley (2019) suggest that enablers refer to structures or societal resources that can promote or hinder individuals' effective health-seeking practices in society. These structured resources can include healthcare services to treat and provide nutrition plans for both children and adults to avoid obesity and overweight issues. However, many Hispanic neighborhoods lack useful resources; for instance, several studies have revealed inadequacy in access to recreation spaces and parks, which discourage their efforts to become physically active. Chi...
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