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Bloom’s Critical Thinking

Essay Instructions:

Formative and summative assessments should align with instructional objectives and provide instructors with a variety of ways to measure learning. Instructors have the responsibility to create a test blueprint before creating the assessment to guide them in item writing.

The purpose of this assignment is to create NCLEX style questions and a test blueprint based on the QSEN competency you selected and course objectives you created in the Topic 3 assignment. Create a summative assessment that consists of five NCLEX-style questions. All questions should be leveled based on Bloom's taxonomy assigned appropriately to where your course fits in the curriculum.

Complete the "Test Blueprint" template to guide your distribution of 100 questions across all Bloom's levels for the four objectives you created in Topic 3. These questions should be distributed according to the semester your course will occur. Use the "Test Blueprint" template to complete the following:

Create five NCLEX-style questions based on your QSEN competency.

Identify the Bloom's level and rationale for including each of the five NCLEX-style questions.

Complete the "Test Blueprint" template of 100 hypothetical questions (you do not have to create 100 questions, just designate how many questions per Bloom's level and how many of the 100 questions would be select-all-that-apply).

Provide a rationale that explains why you assigned questions to each of the Bloom's levels within the test blueprint.

Incorporate the "Test Blueprint" template, five NCLEX-style questions, and associated narratives into one Word document.

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

MSN Nursing Education

6.2: Assess and evaluate learning using a variety of strategies.

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Benchmark: Summative Assessment
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Benchmark: Summative Assessment
The formative assessment encompasses approaches that instructors use to implement in-process evaluation of learners' understanding, learning needs, and progress in lessons, units, and programs. Formative assessment assists instructors in identifying concepts that students find challenging or difficult to acquire, understand, practice, and apply. Formative assessments are continuous evaluations taking place before or during instruction. These assessments should be aligned with instructional objectives to provide instructors with a diversity of approaches to measuring learning. Instructors do create a test blueprint prior to developing assessment guidelines. This paper will focus on the formative assessment approach in Psychiatric Nursing.
Bloom’s Critical Thinking Cue Questions provide an incredible blueprint for developing questions in National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX).
Bloom’s taxonomy base questions cover six critical areas, including remembering information, understanding, applying, analyzing, evaluating, and creating (Armstrong, 2016). Remembering information entails leaner’s ability to manage knowledge by recalling facts and information. Understanding involves comprehension and competency to explaining the meaning of information. Applying involves the ability to use learned knowledge in new situations and solve a real-life challenge. Analyzing involves the breakdown of a whole into parts and consequentially examining each item or unit critically.
Evaluation competency-based taxonomy questions focus on the ability to make judgments about the merits and demerits of ideas, materials, or phenomena. Creating involves putting ideas together to form a new and different whole. Thus, this Bloom’s Critical Thinking Cue Questions approach is useful in developing questions to evaluate and test thinking skills (Adams 2015). The questions constitute a test blueprint. The primary purpose of the Quality and Safety Education for Nurses (QSEN) project questions is to meet the challenge of preparing nurses who demonstrate great competence in knowledge, skills, and attitudes required to improve the quality and safety in the healthcare system. (QSEN) the project aims to educate the future nursing workforce to be competent on patient safety and healthcare quality practices (Lyle-Edrosolo & Waxman, 2016). Bloom Taxonomy is a critical practice in learning because it allows instructors to develop questions and marry such questions with the unit's objectives. Objectives or learning goals are essential in establishing a pedagogical interchange allowing teachers and students to understand the purpose of that learning (Armstrong, 2016).
Test Blueprint 
Test Blueprint for Psychiatric Nursing
COURSE: Psychiatric Nursing          












Blueprint Test Hypothetical Question Based on Blooming’s Taxonomy
All the questions in this paper will qualify in Bloom’s Taxonomy criteria
Bloom’s Taxonomy level One: Knowledge Questions
The questions examine the leaners’ ability to remember information on various aspects of learning and the content of the curriculum. Blooming’s level one questions, such as the one’s shown below, provides a clue on the extent to which a learner can recall essential factual data.
1 What is mental health?
2 Name core principles of psychiatric nursing
3 What are crisis intervention and crises?
4 What are etiological theories of anxiety
5 Name levels of anxiety
6 Give an example of Anxiety-related disorders
7 Name anxiety disorders in childhood and adolescents
8 Highlight theories underpinning psychophysiological illnesses
9 Name core anatomic organs influencing psychological effects 
10 Name common categories of personality disorders
What are mood disorders
Highlight risk factors underlying mood disorders
Names core types of schizophrenia
What are Acute and chronic signs of schizophrenia
Bloom’s Taxonomy level Two: Understanding/Comprehension Questions
The Blooming’s level two-question test learners’ competence to understand, comprehend or explain core concepts and relationships regarding various themes, topics, and theoretical frameworks.
1 Describe what mental health entails
2 Discuss principle that can be applied in psychiatric nursing
3 Explain the application of the nursing process in psychiatric nursing and practice
4 How can research be used as a tool to improve psychiatric nursing care
5 Explain etiological theories and concepts underpinning anxiety disorders
6 Explain what is mean by an ego defense mechanism
7 Explain various anxiety-related disorders in childhood and adolescence
8 Discuss causes of psychophysiological illnesses
9 Discuss and explain how various anatomic organ in the body influence psychological wellbeing
10 Discuss pharmacological interventions and other forms of care in managing psychophysiological illnesses
Discuss and explain core risk factors for personality disorders
Discuss various etiologies underpinning schizophrenia
Discuss Psychopharmacological management of schizophrenia 
Discuss and explain treatment modalities, psychopharmacology, and nursing care in alcoholism, drug abuse and dependence, and other substance-related abuse
Explain and discuss organic mental syndrome and disorders
Discuss aetiologies of organic mental syndrome and disorders
Explain available treatment modalities, psychopharmaco...
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