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Essay Instructions:
Construct a Blog post, not to exceed 1,500–2,000 words, written for a PMHNP provider audience to post in the Discussion area. A Blog is a conversational, informal written piece on a topic.
Post your Blog response by doing the following:
• Identify the substance or addiction with discussion on pertinent diagnostic criteria for the use disorder Identify the street Names of the substance for the use disorder.
• Describe how someone can use or abuse the substance (oral, smoke, IV, etc.).
• Describe the symptoms of someone under the influence of this substance.
• Describe the symptoms of someone under the withdrawal of this substance.
After describing the substance, discuss the treatment recommendations by doing the following:
• Identify the first-line treatment options.
• Identify the FDA-approved medications for the substance.
Note: If there are no FDA-approved medications, describe any evidenced-based, clinically acceptable off-label medications to treat the illness.
• Identify the proposed mechanisms of action for the medication to treat the illness.
• Describe the common side effects of the medication.
• Describe how the patient should take the medication.
• Identify any baseline and/or ongoing tests and assessment(s) needed when taking the medication.
• Describe the non-pharmacologic intervention recommendations.
This Assignment requires a minimum of three (3) peer-reviewed, evidence-based scholarly references outside of course Learning Resources.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Stimulant Use Disorder: Cocaine and Methamphetamines
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Stimulant Use Disorder: Cocaine and Methamphetamines
Stimulant Use Disorder
Stimulant use disorders have been a significant concern within psychiatric and addiction treatment. Even though there are varying substance use disorders, the common substances are cocaine and methamphetamines. It is, therefore, important for PMHNP providers to recognize the nuances and complexities that this disorder causes. The DSM-5 characterizes the stimulant use disorder using problematic stimulant use patterns that can cause distress or clinical impairment.
Diagnostic Criteria
The person can be diagnosed with stimulant after showing two or more of these signs within a year.
1 If the person shows withdrawal through characteristic withdrawal syndrome for a stimulant or has taken a stimulant to help avoid the withdrawal symptoms
2 If the person has been having an intense craving to use a stimulant
3 If the person has been using it in situations that can be physically hazardous.
4 If the person has recurrent use, it makes the person fail to achieve significant roles at school, work, or home.
5 When the person's efforts of cutting down or controlling the use have been unsuccessful
6 When the person has continued to use it regardless of having recurrent psychological or physical problems led by the stimulant
7 If the person is taking the stimulant for a more extended period or more significant amounts than intended
8 If the individual is spending much to get, use, or recover from the stimulant side effects
9 If the stimulant has caused the person to quit or reduce critical occupational, recreational, or social activities
10 If the person has continued to use it regardless of the stimulant causing recurrent social and interpersonal problems
If the individual's tolerance is based on more amounts of stimulants to attain the desired effect or diminished effect after continuing to use the same amount
Street Names
Similar to other substance abuse, cocaine and methamphetamines have street names. Cocaine has varying names, such as coke, snow, powder, or blow (Bravo et al., 2022). On the other hand, methamphetamines are referred to as meth, crank, crystal, or ice.
Methods of Use
Different people choose varying ways to abuse these substances. For example, some use smoking while they inhale the vapors. On the other hand, others use oral ingestion, where they swallow them. Furthermore, others snort when they inhale these powders using their noses. Others opt to use the Intravenous (IV) injection, where they inject into their bloodstream directly.
Symptoms of Abuse
There are varying symptoms that someone using cocaine or methamphetamines exhibits. For example, some people experience decreased appetite when they struggle to eat. Others have...
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