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Biome and Ecosystem Essay. Describe with an example ecosystem

Essay Instructions:


Pick a biome and ecosystem and create a 500-700-word essay addressing the following:

Refer to the infographic provided and chose a biome to describe with an example ecosystem.

Provide one example of a keystone species found in the biome/ecosystem. Why is this keystone species important to the biome/ecosystem? What defines it as a keystone species?

Provide an example of an invasive species found in the biome/ecosystem. What are some of the negative impacts this invasive species has on the ecosystem? What is being done to mitigate impacts?

Provide one example of an endangered species found in the biome/ecosystem. Briefly discuss the causes of the decline in the species and what is being done to help.

Please include at least three academic sources and make sure all sources are cited in your essay.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the GCU Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Biome and Ecosystem
Biome and Ecosystem
Keystone species are said to have an exceedingly high influence on a precise ecosystem that is relative to its population. It plays an important role that is particular. An example of a keystone is the starfish pisaster ochraceus. Inhabiting the rocky marine intertidal communities of North America this predatory fish is responsible for maintaining the local diversity, it feeds on the mussel Mytilus californianus (Mills et al. 1993). It plays an important role of feeding on the mussel because if the predator is unavailable in the ecosystem, the mussel inhabitants increase at a high rate covering the rocky intertidal shores, and this means other species cannot establish themselves. Thus, the starfish does support the species structure and diversity of these other communities.
Invasive species is a non-native species that significantly disrupts and modifies the same ecosystem it colonizes (Lowe et al. 2000). The said species can colonize a new area through migration, but they tend to be introduced into the said activities by other species around them (Lowe et al. 2000). An example of how they migrate is through human activities such as pet trade and other activities in global trade or commerce. However, most of these species do not survive the extended periods when they are introduced to new territories, as they do not have the evolutionary adaptations to cope with the encounters that are in the surroundings.
An example of an invasive species is the sea lamprey a primitive fish that affected the North America great lakes region. This fish has a special modified sucker that it uses to latch onto other game fish and drain all the blood. Due to this the canal system was developed and permitted the species to migrate to the great lakes...
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