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BHS450 Health Care Reform Mod 5 Case

Essay Instructions:
The health care reform debate is not a new one. The plan for a national system was a Hiloray Clinton platform when she was First Lady. But the notion lost steam and was placed on the back shelf until the most recent Presidential elections. With President Obama's drive towards a national plan the debate has heated up considerably. It is incumbet on us all to become as informed about health care reform as possible because it affects us, our family and loved ones. Assignment expectations: 1. List and briefly describe 3 of the recommendations for health care reform from experts, interest groups, etc.... 2. Discuss how President Obama's new health care reform legislation fits (or does not fit) with the recommendations. 3. Limit your discussions to 2-3 pages. Case expectations: Please be sure to cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of the paper (at least 3 references). The length of your paper should be 2-3 pages typed and single-spaced. Please prepare your work using appropriate format. Required Readings Anonymous (2007). EDITORIAL: Universal care: The United States' system of health care delivery is inadequate, broken and needs to be replaced. Knight Ridder Tribune Business News. Washington: Aug 15, 2007. Bunce, V. C., Matthews, M. (2007). The 2008 presidential candidates on health care reform. Retrieved from May 2, 2012 http://www(dot)cahi(dot)org/cahi_contents/resources/pdf/2008CandidatesHealthCareReform0820.pdf. Fuchs, V. R. and Emanuel, E. J. (2005). Health Care reform: Why? What? When? Health Affairs 24 (6), 1399. Wells Fargo Small Business Roundup (2008). Reforming Health Care reform. Retrieved May 2, 2012 from http://a676(dot)g(dot)akamaitech(dot)net/f/676/773/90m/images.delivery.net/cm50content/wellsfargo/bis_hosted_pages/070208_SBR/upfront1.htm Website Health Reform (2009). The President's Message on Health Reform. Retrieved May 2, 2012 from http://www(dot)healthcare(dot)gov/.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Recommendations for Health Care Reform and their Comparison with Barack Obama’s Legislation Student Name Course Instructor Institution Date Due Introduction Over the last few decades experts and interest groups have been making recommendations necessary to ensure that the health care system in the United States undergoes reforms in order to enable effective delivery of health care (McDonough, 2011). This has been due to the fact that cost, coverage and quality problems have been evident. Hence health care system experts and interest groups such as physicians, health insurance executives, health policy experts, hospital administrators, business leaders, as well as economists are advocating for health care reform that are sustainable and that go beyond financially oriented health care access to ensure improved delivery of health care (Bunce & Matthews, 2007). This has made these experts to propose various recommendations that would go a long way in ensuring that health care system in the United States is improved. The National Health Insurance Plan legislation which was signed into law by President Obama provisions to some extent fits into the proposed recommendations while other provisions do not. The purpose of this legislation is to ensure provision of health care coverage that is accessible to all Americans who are currently uninsured as well as helping those with health insurance covers towards retaining their coverage (Fuchs & Emanuel, 2005). Most of the provisions of this legislation became effective by the year 2010 (McDonough, 2011). This historic legislation is undoubtedly the most outstanding health care system reform in the United States since the creation of Medicaid and Medicare. However, despite the fact that a massive regulatory effort looms it is also highly likely that in the future this bill may end up being amended as more reforms become obviously inevitable (Bunce & Matthews, 2007). Three recommendations for health care reform from experts and interest groups Expanding health care insurance coverage Replacing the fee-for-service system of payment with another system that rewards and encourages innovation towards efficient quality health care delivery Consumer protection from insurance firms Expanding health care insurance coverage This recommendation has being pushed to allow patients’ choice of doctors, ensure that patients pick their preferred participating primary care provider, prohibiting insurers the need to seek prior authorization in case a woman intend to seen an ob-gyn, as well as making sure that access to emergency care is a possibility (Bunce & Matthews, 2007). This recommendation has also being advocating towards strengthening community health centers which is achievable by increasing funding for these community health centers (Health Reform, 2012). Furthermore, experts and interest groups recommendations the need for more doctors’ deployed where people need them. The experts have also recommended that this is achievable through providing money for the National Health Service Corps for loan repayments and scholarships for nurses, doctors as well as other health care providers working in areas facing shortage of health professionals. This is mainly because it would be essential towards improving healthcare delivery to a considerable number of people in the United States (Fuchs & Emanuel, 2005). Replacing the fee-for-service system of payment with another system that rewards and encourages innovation towards efficient quality care delivery Experts and interest groups also recommend that the current fee-for-service system should be replaced with another system that rewards and encourages innovation towards efficient quality health care delivery (Bunce & Matthews, 2007). They argue that the latter system is linked to improving patient outcomes, reducing racial and other disparities in health care delivery outcomes, increasing efficiency as well as moderating th...
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