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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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Health and medicine

Essay Instructions:
As the last part of the Session Long Project, compare the Medicaid eligibility requirements of your state (Florida) of residence to one other state. SLP assignment expectations: Use the information in the modular background readings as well as resources you find conducting research on the World Wide Web. Please be sure to cite all sources and provide a reference list at the end of the paper. Length: 2-3 pages typed and single spaced. The following items will be assessed in particular: 1. Your understanding of the how Medicaid eligibility requirements differ in various states.
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Running head: health and medicine
Medicaid eligibility requirements of Florida and how differ with another state.
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Medicaid eligibility requirements of Florida and how differ with another state
Medicaid is a program of health insurance for the low income earners and it caters for all medical costs up to and including the doctor’s visit, medical prescriptions, hospital care and also prenatal care. This program has a special plan which caters for the costs of medical care for expectant women ahead of their Medicaid applications approval. This plan is known as presumptive eligibility. The costs of the Medicaid program are shared by the state and federal government (Stevens, 2006).
Eligibility of Medicaid in Florida is determined by children and families department or the social security administration. Children and families department decides the Medicaid eligibility for families with low incomes and have children, children only, expectant women, non-citizens and also old and disabled people who are not being given supplemental security income.
In addition, children below 18 years and their parents or guardians can qualify for Medicaid if the family’s earnings is below the income limits and assets which can be counted are below $2000.individuals who get Temporary Cash Assistance qualifies for Medicaid. However, if individuals qualify for temporary cash assistance and don’t want to receive it, they may still qualify for Medicaid. Those families which lose eligibility because of income earned may be entitled for 12 more months of Medicaid, if at all they meet the requirements. On the other hand, families that lose the eligibility because of child support may qualify for 4 more months (Zhou, 2001).
In addition, parents and guardians may register for Medicaid on behalf of their minors below 19 years in their home if the income is below the limit of the ch...
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