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BHS420 Module 1 Case

Essay Instructions:
For this assignment, you are asked to write a 1 page summary of a research article. Begin your paper with an introduction. Your summary will be similar to an abstract, and must include subheadings for each of the following sections: Reference: This should be so accurate that the reader can go directly from your abstract to the original article. Give a complete APA style reference. (Hint: the references above are in APA style) Purpose of the study: Sometimes the purpose is stated as an aim, an objective, or a goal. At other times, it is incorporated in a statement of a problem, leaving the reader to infer the purpose has a stated problem, a purpose, or both. If the purpose is inferred, you may state it in your own words. Participants: The term “participant” refers to the sample studied. Under this heading, you should include a description of ages, sexes, socio-economic status, school grade, mental level, number, and/or any other demographic characteristics given in the article to describe the particular sample used in the study. Type of Study: Was it a quantitative or a qualitative study? Or were both types of data used? Please explain why you think so. Hypothesis: What is the hypothesis of the study? If the hypothesis is inferred, you may state it in your own words. Procedure: Sometimes the procedure is referred to as the “method” and includes a description of control techniques, measuring devices, materials used and ways of proceeding, in attempting to achieve the purpose or purposes of the study. Statistical Tests: Identify the statistical tests used in the article; examples might be chi square (x2), t-test, f-test, Mann-Whitney, etc. Results or Findings: These should be confined to actual data reported by the author of the study. Conclusions: Conclusions are the generalizations that the author believes the results or findings justify. Critique: Briefly describe your reaction to the article. For example, was it well-organized? Easy or difficult to understand (please explain why)? Did it present diverse perspectives about the topic? Don't limit yourself to just these questions -- be reflective about what you read. In general, the best procedure in preparing an abstract or summary of this type is to read the article through rather rapidly in order to get an impression of its general content; then read it more slowly making appropriate notes; then reorganize the notes and write the paper.
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(19 July 2011)
Module 1 Case
The article covered in this paper is “Knowledge of sexually transmitted infections among high school students”, in the American Journal of Health Education and written by Nsuami, Sanders, & Taylor, (2010). Knowledge of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is a sensitive topic among high school students. This is because students view it differently from other people. Among students, STI is evidence that one is sexually active. Sexually active students hope to keep the issue a secret.
Purpose of the study
The Purpose of this study therefore is to determine STI knowledge particularly of Chlamydia and gonorrhea among the students. The study was also conducted to analyze whether lack of knowledge of STIs among high school students could be associated with these diseases. The Participants in the study consisted mostly of African American students particularly from urban U.S. school district. The study was conducted on both male and female adolescent students. The average of students analyzed is 16 years, most of who ...
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