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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Genetically modified food

Essay Instructions:
For this first segment of the session long project: 1. Submit a list of 3 areas of health-related research of interest to you. Explain why you picked these areas and why they are of interest to you. 2. Choose one of those areas to focus on for your SLP papers throughout the session. For that area, please do the following: Briefly describe 3 things you hope to learn about the area of research you selected for your Module 1 SLP paper. State a health-related research question that you would like to answer if you were a researcher. Review the information in the link provided on the homepage, so you are clear as to what a hypothesis is. Formulate a specific hypothesis to investigate that research question. Review the information in the link provided on the homepage, so you are clear as to what a research question is.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Areas of research
* Genetically modified food
* Relationship between Male circumcision and HIV infection
* Effect of climatic change on Human health
Genetically modified food
Since they is a debate on the topic on the genetically food, for its resistance to climate change and fighting hunger in an easy way to eradicate challenges faced on countries which are affected with climate change. On the other hand, there have been heated debate on benefits of GMO as well as its effects on human health (Skanke,2009).
This topic is of interested to me because the genetically food is becoming popular and yet no intensive research has been carried on the long term effect in human body when consumed for a long a time thus the end result on human activities.
Relationship between Male circumcision and HIV infection
HIV infection has been a major disaster in the World. Male circumcision has a trend in various world continents mainly in African countries which have been a taboo in some community to undergo male circumcision. Research has however proved that male circumcision lowers the prevalence rate of HIV infection. On the other hand, uncircumcised men have got higher chances of HIV infection when they have unprotected sex which is attributed to the conducive environment created by presence of the fore skin/prepuce.
This topic is of interest to me because the major community which are not practicing the Male circumcision have been educated on the chances of the acquiring the infectious disease and how to reduce their risk of infection. It will thus be of importance to understand in-depth how such communities have incorporated this fact and actions they are taking to change their cultural beliefs and whether more men are getting circumcised.
Effect of climatic change on Human health
Climate change on human health has been another serious issue due to high emission of gases into the atmosphere thus altering the climate change in most part of the continent. Most countries hav...
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