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BHS 414 Cultural Empowerment Case

Essay Instructions:
Read the Case Story of A Day in the Sleep Clinic http://support(dot)mchtraining(dot)net/national_ccce/case5/case.html After reading the story, click on the Activities link on the left side. Review Activity #1. In a 2 – 3 page paper, address the following: 1. What aspects of Dr. Williams' behavior influence the decisions of the families he works with and possible influence the ultimate health outcomes of their children? 2. What roles do culture, ethnicity, race, and socioeconomic status play in families' experiences in the healthcare system? 3. What factors, other than provider-patient communication, influence disparities in health outcomes? Required Reading Read the Case Assignment before accessing this Web site. There are certain parts you have to review. US Department of Health & Human Services [USDHHS], Maternal Child Health Bureau [MCHB] (2009). Core Concepts in Cultural Competence. Retrieved May 1, 2012 from http://support(dot)mchtraining(dot)net/national_ccce/case0/home.html
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Cultural Empowerment: Case Story of a Day in the Sleep Clinic Student Name: Course: Instructor: Institution: Date Due: Cultural competence is a very critical capability that allows physicians to be able to effectively offer better ultimate health outcome. Moreover, the concept of cultural competence focuses on various factors affecting the way in which patients from other cultures approach as well as experience healthcare. This includes health beliefs, cultural norms, and social factors. Hence it is always necessary to ensure that physicians and nurses devise ways on how to work best with patients from differing cultures and beliefs (Core Concepts in Cultural Competence, 2012). For example, considering the Sleep Clinic Case Story it is undoubtedly evident that there are various aspects of Dr. William’s behavior which has tremendously influenced the decisions of the three families that visited him thereby affecting the health outcomes of their children health. This is evident from the way Dr. William treats the three families where only one family can be regarded as content with how he handled their problem. However, among the white American family, Sudanese family and Vietnamese family only the first one is satisfied with the services offered by the doctor while the latter two are totally dissatisfied because of the assumptions made by Dr. William. In the first case Dr. William seems comfortable and ends up prescribing the best medical prescription for Johnny. This is attributable to the fact that he shares an interest about horses with Becki, Johnny’s mother. In addition to the family being whites it also seem to have a good insurance which makes the doctor to believe they will afford effective treatment for their child. This makes him to prescribe CPAP for Johnny’s obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) a medical prescription which will require up to a month’s follow up. However, Dr. William seems to make an assumption about the origin of the Waleed family who are Sudanese but he thinks they are African American. This made him to overl...
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