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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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BHM443 Module3SLP

Essay Instructions:
MODULE 3 ASSIGNMENT: For this Module, please complete the following tasks. This paper will be added to the end of your submission for Module Two. 1. Discuss the rights and expectations that a patient has when interacting with an organization or person providing some level of healthcare services. a. Were those rights and expectations violated in this case? If so, how? b. What role did the pharmacist have as a patient advocate? Did he uphold that obligation? 2. Using information from the Internet and other sources, evaluate the legal conclusion of this case. 3. What were the deciding factors? 4. Did the punishment fit the crime? a. Was an appeal filed? b. Is he in prison today? c. Did this case result in any changes in procedures for dispensing drugs to patients?
Essay Sample Content Preview:

Module 3 SLP
(Instructor’s Name)
Module 3 SLP
One of the most fundamental roles of all health care providers is to ensure the rights of the patients. According to the California State Board of Pharmacy (2007), the Patient’s Bill of Rights includes the following:
Right to considerate and respectful care.
Right to and encouraged to obtain from pharmacists and other direct caregivers relevant, current, and understandable information concerning their medication therapy and treatment.
Right to discuss and request information related to their specific drug therapy, the possible adverse side effects and drug interactions.
Right to make decisions about the plan of care prior to and during the course of treatment and to refuse a recommended treatment or plan of care.
Right to expect that all communication, discussion, and patient counselling will be conducted so as to protect each patient's privacy.
Right to expect that all records and discussion pertaining to his/her drug therapy will be treated as confidential by the pharmacist, and the patient has the right to expect that the pharmacist will emphasize the confidentiality of patient information to any other parties entitled to review the patient's information and records.
Right to competent counselling from the pharmacist to help them understand their medications and use them correctly.
As pharmacists, it is their role as patient advocates to protect their patients through the proper handling and distribution of the medications entrusted to them. In this case, Robert Courtney directly viol...
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