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BHE 310 SLP 3 Healthy People 2020

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BHE 310 SLP 3 Healthy People 2020

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Healthy People 2020
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Healthy People 2020
Answer # 1
Community-based participatory research (CBPR) is quite helpful to identify the procedure and ways that are important for health equality results. CBPR is introduced in the last decade as an alternative research source. The focus of this research is to enhance health and to eliminate health inequities with the help of educational and social reforms. It correlated academic and community partners by applying the principles of group learning. There are various ways to engage communities in healthy people. For instance, CBPR encourages the involvement of society’s theories, contribution, communal benefit, long-term assurance, and research efforts. CPBR also overcomes various challenges that are obstacles to conduct research such as community approval, contribution, opportunity, authority issues, ethnic perception, and research role in social change. There are a few sets of values that are proposed by CBPR to engage communities to healthy people. 1. The genuine partnership means educational and community partners to absorb from each other 2. Research efforts involve capacity building 3. Outcome and understanding should be useful for every partner 4. Long-lasting assurances of CBPR that efficiently eliminate inequities related to the health ADDIN EN.CITE Oetzel2018710(Oetzel et al., 2018)71071017Oetzel, John GWallerstein, NinaDuran, BonnieSanchez-Youngman, ShannonNguyen, TungWoo, KentWang, JunSchulz, AmyKaholokula, Keawe‘aimokuIsrael, BarbaraImpact of participatory health research: a test of the community-based participatory research conceptual modelBioMed research internationalBioMed Research International201820182314-6133(Oetzel et al., 2018). Though CBPR is quite helpful to eradicate health disparities but there is need to do more research to analyze various results from CBPR that will be helpful to understand that which way is appropriate to get effective and long-term results.
Answer # 2
Matrix Assisting Practitioner’s Intervention Planning Tool (MAP-IT) is the connection between research and practice. It assists exerts to design multicomponent intrusions. MAP-IT is based on evidence and...
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