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EOH 402 Guidelines to Improve Food Safety: Unhygienic Food Essay

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Guidelines to Improve Food Safety

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Guidelines to Improve Food Safety
Food safety is a global concern. It is understood that exposure to food-borne hazards in food can be caused by eating unhygienic food. Food protection and free of pathogens environment are difficult for governments, commercial organizations and community. So the detection of foodborne illness and progressively use better methods to identify pathogens (FDA, 2018). Thus, to give a safe product to the consumer, foodborne hazards must be controlled efficiently.
To eliminate the risk of foodborne disease, the FDA ensures the guidelines to improve food safety. The occurrence and complaints of foodborne pathogen outbreaks can be resolved by main features that play an important role such as to save an elderly population, adults as well as children (FDA, 2018). The giving out of fresh food by inappropriate hygiene methods in an environment increases the possibility of contamination by pathogens (FDA, 2018). Therefore, foodborne diseases can be minimized by implementing these factors in our practices.
In each step of making food, by knowing the four points and follow the procedures can stay food safe. Washing our hands prior to making and eating food, clean surfaces habitually, avoid contamination by other food, cook at proper temperature and store at the standard temperature on time (USDA, 2016). Food conduct, cooking, and storage are essential guidelines and methods that are used in preventing infections (USDA, 2016). These basic guidelines should be used by individuals to control food hazards.
Prevention of Salmonellosis
To prevent salmonellosis, it is to keep in mind to follow the basic factors and principles used to prevent from Salmonellosis.
* Hand washing
* Storage at the right temperature (FDA, 2017).
* Keep away food from germs spreading from people, pets, and pests (FDA, 2017).
* Prepare food at a suitable temperature and for the right time to destroy the existence of pathogens (FDA, 2017).
* Isolate uncooked and cooked foods to avoid infecting the prepared foods (FDA, 2017).
* Routine clean water and safe raw supplies (FDA, 2017).
Prevention of Salmonellosis is possible by follow...
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