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BHA480 Slp4

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BHA 480 SLP4 Student’s Name Institution Course # and Name Professor’s Name Submission Date Privacy and Security Aspects The patient privacy and data security regulations implemented at Mayo clinic protects sensitive information and maintains trust of patients. The public and healthcare organization stakeholders put more value on it when they are sure there is almost no probability of an information breach. Mayo Clinic exercises Protected Health Information (PHI) protection in all its branches worldwide. Mayo Clinic (2023) reports that the purpose of this policy is to regulate routine disclosures and internal uses based on established minimum requirements. Elements of this policy include designating staff who can access PHI, determining the minimum amount of PHI for routine and non-routine disclosures, handling staff requests, and applicable exceptions. Second, the Mayo Clinic has an electronic health record (EHR) security framework. There are robust controls on EHR, such as user authentication, role-based access controls, and audit trials, which are implemented and reviewed frequently (Warsame & Hayes, 2019). Staff training and awareness programs on the security and privacy of EHR are carried out frequently to educate employees. Moreover, the security of telemedicine and remote health monitoring is a concern at Mayo Clinic. The COVID-19 pandemic came as a blessing in disguise as far as telemedicine and remote health medicine are concerned. Mayo Clinic embraced this adaptation and has since implemented it as one of the options available to its patients. Telemedicine platforms are end-to-end encrypted to protect the confidentiality of virtual appointments and remote monitoring data (Gajarawala & Pelkowski, 2021). Mayo Clinic also ensures that telemedicine platforms adhere to regulations and privacy standards outlined by HIPAA. Challenges in Implementing Healthcare Privacy and Security Implementing healthcare safety and security measures in any healthcare organization is challenging, and Mayo Clinic is no exception. There are vital challenges that Mayo Clinic must overcome to ensure healthcare privacy and security. First, compliance with evolving privacy and security regulations in healthcare is a significant challenge. Regulatory bodies often make changes in handling confidential business information depending on technological advancements and the entry of powerful threats. Regulations that inform privacy and security measures include the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and standards of operation laid out by state and federal laws (Mayo Clinic, 2024). Another significant challenge is balancing privacy with accessibility and usability. It is agreeable that robust security measures are needed to safeguard sensitive patient information. However, there are situations where a compromis...
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