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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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A 74-year-old female presents to the clinic with complaints of increased difficulty in getting up from a seated position and worsening right knee pain over the last few months. The patient reports the pain is a 6/10 and is not relieved with Tylenol. The pain is sharp at times to her knees but aches at night when she is trying to rest. The patient denies any recent injuries to her knee. The patient has a history of diabetes type 2 and hypertension. The patient is taking metformin 500mg PO twice daily and lisinopril 10mg po daily. Patient is 5’8” and weighs 220 pounds. BP is 122/84, pulse is 72, resp 18, regular and non labored, pulse ox 96%, and temp 98.8F. Physical exam reduced ROM to right knee and complaints of pain with flexion; bilateral knee crepitus worse in the right knee. No erythema to knee joints but mild edema noted bilaterally. The patient reports tenderness to both knees upon palpation. Diagnostic testing ESR 14 mm/hr. CMP otherwise normal except for non fasting glucose of 220 mg/dL. Right and left knee xray: Moderate degenerative changes with joint space narrowing, no radiographic evidence of osteoporosis or joint effusion. Based on this result and exam findings the patient is given a diagnosis of osteoarthritis.

Essay Instructions:
explain the following: The musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes that would account for the patient presenting these symptoms. Any racial/ethnic variables that may impact physiological functioning. How these processes interact to affect the patient.
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Osteoarthritis Patient With Underlying Conditions Case Analysis Student’s Name Professor’s Name Institutional Affiliations Course Name and Number Due Date Osteoarthritis Patient With Underlying Conditions Case Analysis Exam findings inform the healthcare that the 74-year-old female patient suffers from osteoarthritis (OA). According to Yunus et al. (2020), the presenting symptoms, including joint stiffness, pain, and knee tenderness or swelling, highlight the classic presentations of this health condition, confirming the diagnosis. Thus, the reported complaints demonstrate worsening OA that requires urgent attention. Specific musculoskeletal pathophysiologic processes trigger the emerging symptoms. For instance, Yunus et al. (2020) associate the sharp pain and persistent night aches with the mechanoreceptors and degenerating nociceptor fibers. The author indicates that cartilage weakens, compromising maintenance of the distance between knee bones, leading to friction-associated pain. Meniscal injuries, osteophyte growth, and capsular tension are other aspects that lead to similar pain. According to Yunus et al. (2020), her reduced range of movement indicates joint stiffness arising from synovial surfactant and surface-active phospholipid deficiencies. Since the patient reported knee tenderness, a likelihood also exists that she is experiencing bone swelling and enlargement. Yunus et al. (2020) indicate that such musculoskeletal changes occur through gradual chondrocyte damage, cystic formation, and blood flow blockage. Such aspects lead to bone remodeling that worsens the friction and space narrowing. Thus, these musculoskeletal pathophysiologic developments lead to diverse complaints by the patient. Diverse studies reveal that racial or ethnic factors may have a significant impact on OA development and the associated effects on the physiological functioning of the patie...
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