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BHA 480 Health Information System Module 3, Session Long Project Essay

Essay Instructions:

For the Module 3 SLP, continue with the selected healthcare organization from Module 1, and respond to the items below:

Discuss the health information systems standards that apply to the following aspects of your chosen healthcare organization:

o Management of individual records

o Management of human resources

o Management of financial records

o Management of public health accounts

Describe the process by which employees are trained to follow the standards.

Discuss an audit system that may be used to ensure systems standards are appropriate for your healthcare organization.

SLP Assignment Expectations

Your references and citations should be consistent with a particular formatting style, such as APA. You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/.

Provide references from at least three scholarly articles and peer-reviewed journals. For additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals, see http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php

Your response should be based on reliable and scholarly material, such as peer-reviewed articles, white papers, technical papers, etc. Please use the following resource for evaluating information found on the internet to ensure that you are using reliable sources: https://www(dot)library(dot)georgetown(dot)edu/tutorials/research-guides/evaluating-internet-content

Your response should incorporate the outcomes of the module with the requirements of this

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BHA 480 Health Information System Module 3, Session Long Project
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BHA 480 Health Information System Module 3, Session Long Project
Health information systems standards apply to different aspects of the healthcare organization, specifically the management of individual records, management of human resources, management of financial records, and management of public health accounts. In relation to the management of individual records, it pertains to the patient's profile, healthcare needs, and treatment that serve as the primary basis for the clinical decision-making process. Health care records provide the platform for facilitating the sound and effective delivery of individual clinical care. Problems can often occur in situations where health workers might be overburdened by excessive reporting demands and data from poorly and multiple coordinated subsystems, which require health information systems to avert some challenges (Ninomura, Bartley, & Rousseau, 2011). Therefore, the health information system standards that apply to the management of individual records include patient document architecture and patient data linkage. Patient document architecture is a method for representing clinical data such as patient progress notes, patient discharge summaries, and patient safety reports electronically to facilitate standardization. The need frequently stems from the inherent desire for accessing an extensive amount of information stored in a free-text clinical note about the patient. It also seeks to enable for content comparison from different documents that have been created on information systems with varying characteristics. The architecture is designed as a markup standard to allow the clinical records to be revised as appended to the different existing documents. Patient data linkage allows for the unambiguous connection of patients' health care data from one department to another, which is critical for maintaining patient data integrity and promoting safe care delivery (Erickson, Wolcott, Corrigan, & Aspden, 2013).
The management of human resources the population data play an essential role in healthcare decision-making and the generation of information not only about the care professional administering the services but also the patient being served. Surveys have become the primary source of human resource data in healthcare facilities where facility-based statistics are frequently limited. These surveys are also important because they act as good sources of information on the employees’ behaviors, practices, and beliefs that serve as crucial determinants of health status and health care use, which is facilitated by embracing health information systems (Schalkwijk, Nijpels, Bot, & Elders, 2016). Therefore, the health information system standards that apply to the management of human resources include establishing technical workgroup, policy and governance mechanisms, authorized entities, and eHealth architecture-based workforce. The technical workgroup is a human resource established under the authority's purview for obtaining a web-enabled and electronic workforce registry. Policy and governance mechanisms for the management of the human resource is embedded in well-documented mechanisms represented all the available stakeholders. The authorized entities are responsible for submitting health workforce data to the registry to permit the personnel in a health care facility to access controls based on the agreed policies for using the eHealth information system. eHealth architecture-based workforce is mandated to design, test, and deploy the electronic web-based registry of health information systems on the facility's eHealth enterprise platform. The eHealth architecture-based workforce also adopts minimum data set as the basis for establishing a health workforce registry for the facility's human resources. Besides, the architecture makes available structured human resource functions to facilitate the collection and management of the data sets from authorized entities at the healthcare facility. Moreover, the architecture promotes the adherence of the human resource personnel to the best practices in health information systems intended to promote completeness, timeliness, accuracy, security, confidentiality, and reliability of the data (World Health Organization, 2015). 
Financial records management relates to the health facility level data, both from the administrative sources such as drug procurement and from aggregated facility-level revenue records, ...
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