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Best Practices for Health Care Compliance and Privacy Programs

Essay Instructions:

Competency 1

Determine best practices for health care compliance and privacy programs.


Part 1: Study of Literature in Medicine

Read "Medical Professionalism: What the Study of Literature Can Contribute to the Conversation" from Philosophy, Ethics & Humanities in Medicine located in the University Library Readings.

Although this article primarily explores the use of literature in medical professional education, the same principles apply to students learning about professional, ethical leadership in health care. As you read the article, contemplate how literature can help you develop your own brand of ethical leadership within the health care regulatory environment.

Reflect on the following in a minimum of 500 words:

Review Fig.1 on p. 6 of the Medical Professionalism article. Select 2 to 3 outcomes that are important to you (or that you want to achieve in your professional career) and explain what you are doing (or are going to do) to develop those abilities.

Research and identify 2 to 3 books or articles you believe health care administration professionals should read to help improve their approach to health care oversight.

Part 2: State Regulations

Locate the regulations for health care practice in your state and for 1 other state or more of your choice. Compare and contrast the regulations for administrators and practitioners.

What are the implications of differences across states’ policies around scope of practice in the health sector? For regulation? For consumers? For practitioners?

Discuss what you learned from listening to the podcasts on the OIG website. What perspectives and knowledge did you gain on best practices in health care compliance and privacy?

Submit your reflection.

Your reflections for Parts 1 and 2 should be a minimum of 500 words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Best Practices for Health Care Compliance and Privacy Programs
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Due Date
Part 1
Literature evaluation has become a globally accepted component in medical education to teach aspects of professionalism over the past decades. The article by Shapiro et al. (2015) emphasizes the essence of literature in medical education, highlighting its substantial relevance in nurturing professional ethics and leadership in the healthcare regulatory setting. While the authors predominantly focus on medical professionalism, its discernments can extend to enhancing ethical leadership within healthcare compliance and privacy programs. Literature relays a unique platform for exploring complex moral dilemmas, diverse perspectives, and elaborate human emotions. These aspects are integral to ethical leadership in healthcare compliance. Just as medical students can learn about patient-centered care, empathy, and integrity through literary tasks, aspiring leaders in healthcare compliance can acquire diverse knowledge on ethical decision-making, effective communication, and regulatory landscape nuances. Literary narratives help healthcare leaders analyze various character choices, consequences, and dilemmas linked to compliance and privacy programs in real-world scenarios. Literature assists in self-reflection, helping individuals identify their strengths, values, and areas that demand growth. Therefore, ethical leadership in healthcare privacy and compliance entails fostering integral culture, patient confidentiality, and adherence to legal regulations (Shapiro et al., 2015). Overall, the literature offers critical perspectives concerning the authenticity of human interactions, reiterating the need to cultivate trust, shared decision-making and genuine information-sharing capabilities.
The two best outcomes important to me include (a) the capacity to demonstrate critical thinking about medical practice and (b) recognizing that professional development comprises a continuous endeavor that typically changes from one situation to another rather than being construed as a set of rigid framework. I regularly self-reflect, analyze diverse perspectives, and question assumptions integral to healthcare practices to achieve critical thinking skills. I would embrace continuous learning and adaptability techniques and value experience development over static rules to recognize professional formation as a dynamic process. These two materials would be necessary for healthcare leaders to enhance their care o...
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