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How You Believe the MHA Program

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Details

Our intention throughout the master’s program is to tie in the activities and assignments to your professional career to encourage you to build capital with your employer. Your master’s degree and the skills you learn while earning it should support and strengthen your current and future positions in the health care industry. To do this effectively, you will need to work with your employer and communicate your ambition to apply your knowledge and skill sets to increase positive outcomes at your organization.

Watch the video, “Approaching Your Employer to Talk About Your Capstone.”

Write a 500- to 700-word summary of how you believe the MHA program, and what you expect to gain from it, benefits your current position and future growth within your organization. (do this part from a nurse's standpoint and thank you)

As part of this summary, identify the structural, behavioral, and intersectional (relationship) attributes of your current or most recent employer’s organization.

Create a detailed systems thinking diagram that maps the stock, inflows, outflows, and feedback loops of your organization.

Provide an explanation of your diagram within your summary.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How do you Believe the MHA Program
Your Name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
August 26, 2023
The intricate fabric of healthcare is a vast, interconnected network, evoking images of a beautifully complex web. As a nurse stationed at the epicenter of patient care, my professional journey has testified to the intimate interplay between my direct medical care and the overarching administrative and managerial elements intrinsic to the profession. The MHA program illuminated these intricacies, vividly showing how every strand of healthcare — from financial inputs to manpower — converges on the nucleus of 'Patient Care Excellence.'
One cannot understate the transformative power of financial investments in healthcare. By allocating approximately "$5 million annually, " our organization facilitates state-of-the-art care and cutting-edge interventions. These resources act as a lifeline, ensuring that care remains timely, efficient, and impactful. Moreover, with a robust team — "comprising of 200 nurses, 50 doctors, and other essential personnel" — the institution embodies the essence of collaborative healthcare. The "$2m telemedicine platform" is a testament to this, a beacon of our dedication to blending traditional care modalities with modern technological advancements. Guibert-Lacasa (2022) emphasizes that this harmonious fusion enhances patient care, uplifts safety protocols, and streamlines delivery mechanisms.
However, in this intricate tapestry, challenges weave their narratives. Staff burnout is an ever-looming specter, reflected in the alarming "10% annual nurse attrition". It is a poignant reminder of the emotional and physical toll the profession can exact. Coupled with "15% quarterly shortage...
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