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Best Practice Teaching Strategies for Traumatic Brain Injury

Essay Instructions:

An effective nurse educator has current, researched knowledge of teaching strategies to use in the educational setting. Effective teaching strategies allow students to collaborate with peers and participate in higher order thinking.

The purpose of this assignment is to compile an annotated bibliography of teaching strategies within your practicum setting.

Provide a 10-entry annotated bibliography of peer-reviewed/scholarly literature related to your chosen practicum topic and appropriate teaching strategies. Include a 150-word summary for each resource that includes the following:

1. Description of the teaching strategy and its application to your practicum topic.

2. Description of the relevancy and accuracy of the source.

3. Description of the quality of the source.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Best Practice Teaching Strategies
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Best Practice Teaching Strategies
Bridges, S. (2019). Problem-Based Learning in Teacher Education. Interdisciplinary Journal Of Problem-Based Learning, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.7771/1541-5015.1866
The author brings into perspective the teaching strategy of problem-based learning. The strategy encourages educators to share realistic patient scenarios and questions that warrant holistic responses. The strategy will significantly assist students who have suffered traumatic brain injuries (TBI) and have cognitive issues, particularly executive functions, memory, and information processing. Through the approach, TBI students will be encouraged to work together to find solutions and ways of addressing real-life problems. As such, it fosters teamwork and which is a crucial trait in the medical setup. The student-centered approach allows educators to take a step back and have the TBI students fully control their learning. The article is important, relevant, and accurate to the research because it offers an avenue to enlighten TBI students on the value of teamwork.
Clarke, S. (2015). Concept mapping. Nursing Standard, 30(5), 61-62. https://doi.org/10.7748/ns.30.5.61.s44
The article offers vast information on concept mapping as a teaching strategy. Concept mapping allows and fosters the visual representation of ideas. As such, it promotes not only analysis and evaluation but also critical thinking. This is extremely vital in terms of TBI students who face cognitive problems of processing information vividly. Concept mapping will assist in cultivating and nurture thinking and judgmental skills in the TBI students. With concept mapping, TBI students will identify, link, and display graphically key concepts, which is a major factor in the modern nursing paradigm. The article is relevant to the research because it identifies a teaching strategy that can be employed to enhance critical thinking in TBI students. Therefore, it is relevant because the ability to analyze and make judgments independently is fundamental in the current nursing sphere.
Hidayati, L., & Pardjono, P. (2018). The implementation of role play in the education of pre-service vocational teachers. IOP Conference Series: Materials Science And Engineering, 296, 012016. https://doi.org/10.1088/1757-899x/296/1/012016
The article shares on role-playing as a teaching strategy adopted in the TBI classroom to make the environment utterly entertaining and interactive. According to the article, educators must ensure that all their TBI students participate during lessons to ensure effective understanding and complete grasp of the course concepts. With role-playing, TBI students will be tasked to represent and experience individuals they witness daily and strongly admire. It is a flexible teaching approach and strategy that allows TBI students to take active learning roles. Role-playing will also allow TBI students the freedom to make mistakes and learn from them. However, for role-playing to be effective, educators have to be firm as there are high chances some students may not take it seriously. The article is vital to the research because it provides an approach that allows students to explore real situations. It is also relevant and accurate in teaching TBI students whose attention spans have been significantly limited.
Grant, J., & Grace, T. (2019). Use of Diverse Case Studies in an Undergraduate Research Methods and Statistics Course. Psychology Learning & Teaching, 18(2), 197-211. https://doi.org/10.1177/1475725719828662
The article offers extensive input on case studies used to bridge the gap between theory and practice. It notes that while theory plays a crucial part in imparting much-needed knowledge to students, practical help cements these acquired ideas. On this breadth, case studies will be phenomenal teaching strategies in TBI classrooms and will allow for the exploration of real issues in the scope of defined contexts and through the use of various sources. Case studies will assist the TBI students with severe problems of comprehending new information and skills. In this regard, case studies will enhance the capacity of comprehension and analyze real-life problems by the TBI students. Through case studies, TBI students will be actively engaged in establishing principles through abstracting from stipulated examples. The article is vital to the research because it provides an avenue that teachers and educators can simplify complex concepts.
Kaur, G. (2011). Study and Analysis of Lecture Model of Teaching. International Journal Of Educational Planning & Administration, 1(1), 9-13. Retrieved 1 February 2021, from.
The article shares on lecture method as a teaching strategy. It is a teacher controlled approach that allows teachers to disseminate information and knowledge to TBI students. It requires the teacher to be highly knowledgeable and conversant about the topic they are sharing to avoid confusing the TBI students. Similarly, lectures can be structured to meet the distinct needs of particular audiences. On this breadth and considering the cognitive problems harbored by TBI students, it is highly recommended to ensure lectures are as engaging and interactive as possible because they cannot pay atten...
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