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The University of Chicago Medicine Culture and Readiness Assessment

Essay Instructions:

Before making a case for an evidence-based project, it is essential to understand the culture of the organization in order to begin assessing its readiness for EBP implementation. Complete an assessment of your clinical practice site.

You will use personal reflection of your experience in the clinical setting. The setting may be your job site or a student clinical placement. ( I work at a leading Academic Teaching Hospital....The University of Chicago Medicine). It is also a Magnet hospital...Please incorporate that in the paper.

Develop an analysis summary of at least 275 words from the results of your questions addressing your organization’s readiness level, possible project barriers and facilitators, as well as how to integrate clinical inquiry. Make sure to include the rationale for your answers on the questionnaire, incorporating details and examples. Also, explain how to integrate more clinical inquiry into the organization, providing strategies that strengthen the organization’s weaker areas.

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The University of Chicago Medicine Culture and Readiness Assessment
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The University of Chicago Medicine provides excellent nursing care delivery, thereby improving patient outcomes. The facility also enhances nurses' job satisfaction by providing benefits, proper compensation, and excellent management, making it a magnet hospital, where there are a reduced staff nurse turnover rate and suitable grievance solution CITATION Uni182 \l 13321 (McHugh, 2018). Additionally, the institution was named one of the best teaching hospitals for three consecutive years CITATION Uni181 \l 13321 (University of Chicago Medicine, 2018). The Organizational Culture and Readiness Scale for System-Wide Integration of Evidence-Based Practice (OCRSIEP) was used to assess the organization’s readiness level.
Readiness Level
The institution has an excellent organizational readiness to fulfill its competitiveness in the field of medicine. It offers specialties such as otorhinolaryngology, oncology, gastroenterology, gastrointestinal surgery, nephrology, gynecology, and urology, documented in the U.S. News and World Report Rankings as the finest in the country. Other leading specialties include neurology and neurosurgery, geriatrics, and orthopedics CITATION Unind \l 13321 (University of Chicago Medicine, n.d.). Additionally, the Joint Commission accredits the institution and has various recognized centers, including the Comprehensive Stroke Center. It also provides a website and a phone number that the patients can contact anytime. The website can be easily navigated, and it provides information on the services and proofs of excellence of the institution CITATION Unind1 \l 13321 (University of Chicago Medicine, n.d.). Lastly, based on the OCRSIEP scale, the administration is committed to using evidence-based practice (EBP), which is implemented in the said specialties.
Staff and Resource
The institution recruits excellent staff who are well-trained. They are also given opportunities for certifications, further studies, and promotions. Examples of these include full tuition reimbursement for BSN and MSN graduates and 75% reimbursement after graduating from a doctoral degree CITATION Unind2 \l 13321 (Universtiy of Chicago Medicine, n.d.). Despite excellent staff and resource quality, one issue reported by the patients is difficulty in communication, especially among the transgender and people of color population, where the patients believe that those opposite of their personality receive better care than they do. The organization currently encourages its staff to attend conferences and read journals concerning this matter to eliminate gender bias and discrimination (Rattini, 2019).
The OCRSIEP assessment revealed that the organization has competent nursing staff who are highly skilled and committed. However, they had a low score on cultural readiness.
Project Facilitators and Barriers
The COVID-19 pandemic allows the organization to showcase its full potential. The current project of the organization aims to eliminate COVID-19 health disparities through the help of machine learning. Once perfected, it plans to share the system globally for the benefit of many people. It invited expert researchers in data science and artificial intelligence, public health experts, policy analysts, and economists to construct a computational tool that improves the detection and diagnosis of COVID-19. Some of whom are Research Assistant Professor Anna Ho...
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