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Benchmark- Business Plan Models Analysis Essay

Essay Instructions:

The purpose of this assignment is for students to familiarize themselves with similarities among commonly used business plan models. Students will describe how to use systems-based theoretical applications in the management of health care systems and services.

Research a minimum of three business plan models. (Please note, you cannot choose those provided in Microsoft Project or Apple Merlin.)

In a paper of 1250-1,500-words:

Compare the three business plan models.

Describe the strengths and limitations of these models.

Compare these models to the business plan models in either Microsoft Project or Apple Merlin.

Select the model that you believe will work best for your assigned CLC Business Plan and explain your rationale for this selection.

Using your selection, describe how to use systems-based theoretical applications in the management of health care systems and services.

Research should include a minimum of three scholarly, peer-reviewed sources.

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Benchmark Business Plan Models
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Benchmark Business Plan Models
A business plan model is an approach that a business intends to take. The approach is considered or taken upon the consideration of factors that mainly include the goals of the business and its future endeavors. In the healthcare sector, it is crucial that a healthcare organization considers or takes up an approach that elevates it and captures its identity. In this paper, three business plan models that are specific to healthcare will be discussed. A comparison of the three will also be provided, a selection of the model that will work best for my CLC business plan, and a discussion of how to apply the same in the management of healthcare systems and services.
Compare three business plan models
The three business plan models to be reviewed include the product leader, the experience leader, and the health manager. All these three are approaches that can be used to help enhance the performance of a healthcare organization. However, it is crucial that every approach is adopted with a closer look at what the healthcare organization seeks to achieve in the short and long-run.
The product leader is a plan that seeks to deliver quality service or the most advanced care. This plan does not consider cost, social determinants of health, or any other factors. Its goal is to deliver care or to try and solve or address a specific healthcare need. Its scope is not wide because it seeks to maintain or address issues affecting a small group of people. For example, as Pourabdollahian and Copani (2016) write, the increase in life expectancy in developed countries has led to the need to develop or adopt healthcare plans specific to this population. Such a need could result in a healthcare organization being a product leader for the said niche. For such a model, the adoption of technological or other innovative methods that could enhance health are considered. Such a plan also considers the input of partners as it seeks to offer the best to patients within its niche area.
The experience leader is the second type of business plan model. For this model, the goal is to discover or focus on providing a customer experience that is beyond reproach. Customers of a healthcare organization get to experience convenience, effectiveness, and consistency in all departments. This plan seeks to build patient loyalty and to enhance the brand of the healthcare organization. Like the product leader, its goal is not to offer or provide cost-sensitive services to patients but to ensure they get the best customer experience. Customers who frequent such healthcare organizations know what they are looking for and the quality they expect.
Lastly, there is the health manager business plan model that takes a different approach as well. This model seeks to curtail patients' healthcare needs by dealing with the social determinants of the health of patients. It considers larger populations and calls for the healthcare organization to understand the technicalities that go into keeping an entire population healthy. It is crucial to note that there has to be a partnership with the public or community for this approach to be successful. Some of the issues that this business plan model deals with include mental issues, drugs and substance abuse issues, etc. Unlike the first two, it mainly seeks to provide or ensure that the affected population is able to acquire healthcare services at a low cost.
Describe the strengths and limitations of these models
For the product leader, one is guaranteed the best service within the particular area of operation. Since the focus is on quality of service, one should expect top-notch service from a healthcare organization. Another strength would be that it is p...
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