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Autoimmune Disease: Multiple Sclerosis

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Autoimmune Disease: Multiple Sclerosis
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Autoimmune Disease: Multiple Sclerosis
Autoimmune diseases are becoming a major concern in the medical field since individuals have minimal knowledge of their impacts. These conditions emerge from the immune system's attack on the body. The key role of the immune system is to guard the body against germs such as viruses and bacteria. Whenever the body senses foreign invaders, it releases attacking cells, preventing adverse effects on the organs. However, during the effect of the autoimmune disease, the immune system mistakes parts of the body, including skin, as foreign. According to Oh et al. (2018), women are more prone to autoimmune diseases than men, which may start as early as five years. Some autoimmune diseases such as lupus and multiple sclerosis are common in specific families. Autoimmune diseases are critical since they have a unique interaction with the organs and lead to premature mortalities. The major autoimmune disease that the paper will address is multi sclerosis by describing its interaction, symptoms, and treatment options.
Description of Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
Multiple sclerosis is an example of an autoimmune disease that majorly affects the spinal cord and the brain. The immune system attacks the myelin covering the nerve fibers, which leads to a disconnection between the rest of the body and the brain (Goldenberg, 2012). It can also deteriorate or permanently damage the nerves. Its signs and symptoms also vary depending on the nerve damage. The damages to the nerves also limit the brain from effectively transmitting signals. The ultimate outcomes may sometimes be poor vision or mental issues. Multiple sclerosis can also have different forms depending on the damage it causes to the body. There is no clear cause of the disease; however, it emerges from the immune cell destruction, which also affects the myelin-producing cells. The disease is linked to genetic complications and is common among specific families. Its diagnosis relies on the symptoms and the forms that it takes. Therefore, multiple sclerosis is one of a complex autoimmune diseases.
Multi sclerosis does not have a specific cure. However, specific treatment options exist that majorly limit new attacks or works after the attack; therefore, the disease can only be treated and not cured. The disease also requires different medications; however, they are combined with other factors such as occupational and physical therapies. The disease is classified as one of common among the immune-mediated disorders. For instance, it affects approximately 2 million individuals globally annually (Dobson & Giovannoni, 2019). Unfortunately, it causes the death of 18 800 annually, which is a critical figure in global health. Jean-Martin discovered the disease in 1868 from glial scars. After conducting comprehensive research, Jean-Martin identified that the disease affected the white matter in the brain, which eventually affects the remaining body parts. Most of the treatments and effective treatments emerged in 2009 due to intensified research globally. Therefore, multiple sclerosis is a significant disease that impacts a huge population due to the critical interaction with the body organs.
Interaction of Multiple Sclerosis with System effect
The major system that multiple sclerosis affects is the central nervous system. The disease affects the brain and causes other complexities that may impact different body organs. MS interrupts the nerves in the central nervous system. The interruption impacts the flow of the signals that flow throughout the body. Besides, the major protective layer of nerve fiber is a specific sheath called myelin. Myelin is critical and insulates the nerves. It also helps increase the signal transmission rate, which occurs through the nerves. However, due to multiple sclerosis, a specific trigger makes the immune cells attack and breaks the myelin sheath in the central nervous system. The trigger is rapid and causes other damage such as plaques which form the nerves in the central nervous system. The disruption in the nerve impulses affects the electrical signals making them travel slowly in the central nervous system. The signals may also leak and affects the overall nervous system. Therefore, other components which rely on the central nervous system are heavily impacted, including sensation, movement, speech, and vision. Therefore, the interaction between multiple sclerosis with the central nervous system is critical and needs immediate management to prevent adverse outcomes for other organs.
Organs and Functionality
The key organ of multiple sclerosis in the brain, which is the core of the central nervous system. The brain is composed of different functionalities which the disease impacts. The brain has unique functions, including temperature regulation, breathing, vision, mission skills, memory, emotions, and thoughts (Lassmann, 2018). Multiple sclerosis affects all the identified elements since it alters the electric signal transmission. It also affects the spinal cord, which combines with the nervous system. The function of the spinal cord is to control movement. Therefore, individuals suffering from MS experience movement issues since the disease affects their motor skills. For instance, MS affects the nerves' capacity to transmit signals leading to reduced coordination between the ...
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