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What Other Associated Symptoms Should You Ask About?

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What Other Associated Symptoms Should You Ask About?

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What other associated symptoms should you ask about?
Ear pain, also known as earache, is likely to be caused by inflammation and infection in the external, inner or middle ear (Voelker, 2016). I have found that the 21-year-old woman has a 2-day history of right ear pain. During our conversation, she describes her pain as pressure and complains about crackling in the ear. I would like to ask her whether or not she had swelling and redness around the outer ear in the past. Jaw pain, fever, itching, sore throat, ringing in the ear, vertigo and draining are some of the associated symptoms I would like to talk about before concluding anything regarding her illness and treatment.
How does the time course helps distinguish among different causes of ear pain?
Time plays an integral role when it comes to determining the cause of ear pain. Various people experience the pain at an early stage, probably at the age of 20, and if the disease remains untreated, then they may have to suffer from mild hearing loss or muffling (Raieli et al. 2016). Excessive earwax that builds up in the ear canal may cause pain and extreme pressure in adults.
How does the age of the patient help with narrowing the diagnostic possibilities?
To prevent ear pain, the ...
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