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3 pages/≈825 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Collaboration, Considerations, Technology, Policy, and Disparities in Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

I am not sure if I have to including my PICOT question as well, but I will be posted just in case.
project proposal:
educational skill fair on nursing care. Intervention: full body assessment. Population: mental health registered nurse. Outcome: a complete appropriate head to toe assessment will over within six months. Evaluation: staff will be signed off for competency.

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Benchmark - Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal
Benchmark - Professional Capstone and Practicum Reflective Journal
New practice approaches
Some barriers limit nurses from caring for patients effectively. However, there are new approaches that can be adapted to limit the challenge which will improve the satisfaction levels of patients and nurses. One of the strategies is to adopt an hourly round among nurses to reduce patients’ use of emergency call buttons placed at their bedside. Also, there should be proper bedside report when nurses change shifts. The reports should be made shorter and should be accurately handed over to the next nurse on the shift to avoid time wasted in collecting information that had already been collected on patients. Further, hospital facilities should be placed close to patients’ rooms to reduce the time spent in searching and gathering the equipment used on patients. Finally, patients should be given communication white-boards where they can record information which they feel is needed to improve their treatment.
Intra-professional collaboration
Further, there should be proper coordination between the physicians and the nurses to ensure better services are given to patients. There are instances where nurses engage in other activities which do not fall under their responsibilities. As a result, they end up abandoning their roles and perform other activities which should have been done by other medical experts. Hence, there is a need for intra-professional collaboration so that every person understands his or her responsibility to ensure that patients receive better services without delays.
Health care delivery and clinical systems
The healthcare and clinical system involve a collaboration of people, resources, and institution to ensure better medical care for patients. The team involves medical professionals, and the patients’ family members and friends. Therefore, the healthcare system should be designed in a way that enables every person engaged in caring and treating patients to perform their functions effectively. First, the hospital should employ enough number of registered nurses to care for patients. Moreover, family members and friends should be engaged to provide emotional and financial support that may be required.
Ethical considerations in health care
Ostensibly, nursing is not a job but a profession which has ethical standards designed by the nursing body to be followed. Similarly, every medical expert including the nurses will be assumed to know the ethical codes (De-Chesnay & Anderson, 2019). Therefore, they are required to act competently and diligently with due professional care when caring for patients. Moreover, nurses are required to act as role models in the society where they should maintain the ethical values both at work and outside the job place. Generally, nurses are required to remain in the state of mind where they can care for patie...
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