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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Ethics and Healthcare

Essay Instructions:

Assignment 8


For this assignment:

• Select at least five (5) legal issues or ethical concepts of your choice that you feel are particularly important to the improvement of healthcare. Explain the impact of these five concepts on nursing practice, the healthcare institution, and on the quality of patient care.

• Under each legal issue (bulleting), explain how the selected legal issues or ethical concepts impact nursing practice, the healthcare institution, and the quality of patient outcomes.

• Develop a policy proposal with measures and recommendations that could positively impact nursing practice, allow healthcare institutions to thrive, and improve the quality of patient outcomes.

• Detail how nursing could act or advocate to incorporate the policy proposal into practice.

• Add 1 page for objectives

• Add 1 page for conclusion

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Ethical Concepts on How to Improve Health Care
Legal/ Ethical Issues in Healthcare
Student's Name
Legal/ Ethical Issues in Healthcare
Efforts to improve healthcare quality are never-ending, especially because the healthcare industry faces new challenges daily, ranging from emerging diseases to chronic conditions. However, focusing on specific areas could improve healthcare and enhance positive patient outcomes. This paper will explore some of the ethical issues that play/can play a crucial role in improving healthcare and patient care quality. Complexities characterize the healthcare industry and as revealed by Albert, Younas, and Sana (2020), addressing these complexities often requires moral and ethical practice. Healthcare professionals constantly face ethical dilemmas in their interactions with patients, families, and amongst themselves. It is imperative to look at some of the ethical issues that healthcare professionals experience to gain a deeper insight into improving healthcare. Once light sheds on these ethical issues, it will be easier for nurses and other healthcare professionals to become ethically competent to handle healthcare complexities and improve healthcare delivery. The specific objectives of this paper are:
* To identify and explore five ethical issues that can influence the improvement of healthcare. These ethical issues are: (1) End of life care; (2) Futile treatment; (3) Rationing of nursing care; (4) Breach of patient confidentiality; (5) Genetic Counseling;
* To discuss how each of the ethical issues influences nursing practice, the quality of patient outcome, and healthcare institutions in general;
* To create a policy proposal that can be integrated into nursing practice to improve the quality of patient care and outcomes while enabling healthcare institutions to be better; and
* To provide a roadmap on how nurses can integrate the proposed policy into practice to deliver the policy's intended consequences.
Impact of the Ethical Issues on Nursing Practice, Healthcare Institutions, and Patients Outcomes
* End of Life Care
End of life care entails caring for terminally-ill patients who are in the last 12 months of their life (Young, Froggatt, & Brearley, 2017). Providing this kind of care can be quite taxing on nurses. One of the ethical principles that nurses have to maintain when dealing with end of life patients is the principle of fidelity. This principle requires nurses to keep their commitment to providing quality care to patients regardless of the situation. Nurses providing end of life care experience moral distress because they see their patients suffering and have limited resources to cater to patients (Young, Froggatt, & Brearley, 2017). Also, in the course of experiencing moral distress, nursing practice is negatively influenced because nurses' ability to provide quality patient care may be hindered. As such, addressing the issues presented at the end of life care can be a great step towards improving healthcare. Specifically, it would improve nursing practice and allow healthcare institutions to thrive. According to Young, Froggatt, and Brearley (2017), when the end of life issues that cause moral distress among nurses .are addressed, healthcare organizations can reduce staff turnover and improve retention while nurses can offer quality care.
* Futile treatment
Futile treatment refers to treatment that is non-beneficial to patients (Rostami, Esmaeali, Jafari, & Cherati, 2017). Nurses should always provide patients with care and treatment that is both beneficial and harmless. The principles of beneficence and non-maleficence guide Their decisions in such cases. Futile treatment affects nursing practice and healthcare organizations negatively. It can also have detrimental effects on the quality of patient outcomes. As indicated by Rostami, Esmaeali, Jafari, and Cherati (2017), nurses often experience moral distress when patients under their care are receiving futile treatment. When nurses perceive patient care and treatment as futile, their caring acts towards patients impact negatively. As such, futile treatment is an ethical issue that negatively influences nursing practice. Also, Rostami, Esmaeali, Jafari, and Cherati (2017) reveal that healthcare organizations mismanage their resources because they dedicate a substantial amount of their resources to futile care. When more patients are placed under futile care, the consequences on the patient are also serious. Since the futile treatment does not benefit the patient, it interferes with patient outcomes and quality of life because, in the end, the patient will only lead a prolonged life with no regard to the quality of that life.
* Rationing of nursing care
Rationing of nursing care is an ethical issue that involves nurses denying their patients useful care/treatment due to inadequacy of resources (Rooddehghan, Yekta, & Nasrabadi, 2016). Nursing care is imperative in improving patients' recovery process as well as the quality of care. Yet, due to the scarcity of nursing staff and other necessary supplies, nurses are sometimes forced to eliminate some of their care responsibilities. Rationing of care is unavoidable. However, this affects patients' outcomes and nursing practice. Nurses need to be guided by the ethical principle of justice to ensure that their ...
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