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Approach to Care for Cancer Patient

Essay Instructions:

1. Describe the diagnosis of cancer and stage of cancer

2. Describe at least three complication of cancer, the side effects of treatment, and methods to lessen physical and psychology effects.

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Approach to Care for Cancer Patient
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A couple of years back, HIV/AIDS was declared a human epidemic. There were fears in the medical circle that the disease would cause a large number of deaths mainly because it has no cure. It was the largest killer of all with medics frantically attempting to come up with solutions. With the introduction of antiretroviral drugs, AIDS is now a manageable ailment. People suffering from the virus can stay alive for as many years as possible. What seems to have quickly taken the place of HIV/AIDS is cancer. The different types of cancer mainly cervical, prostate and breast cancers are the lead killer ailments in the world today. With no cure and a treatment that is too expensive for many, cancer still remains a thorn in the flesh for the professionals in the medical field (Corner, 2009). Emphasis has been put on regular screening to allow early detection. Even with no cure, when cancer is detected at an early stage, it can be maimed so that it does not spread. The focus of this discussion is in the proper approach that should be accorded a patient of cancer. Of focus also will be some of the ways in which cancer can be detected even at the very early stages; and some of the complications that may arise due to cancer and its treatment.
Cancer Diagnosis
Before a person can be said to have cancer, a proper diagnosis must be carried out. This often entails a keen scrutiny of the body cells in order to identify and establish the existence of the cancer in the body. It is imperative that a number of tests are carried out before such a conclusion is drawn. The main test that is carried out to establish existence of cells that are cancerous in nature is known as the screening test. It is often done to diagnose all types of cancer. It is only after cancer has been diagnosed that the step of staging begins. Staging in reference to cancer refers to identifying the extent to which the cancer has gone into the cells. The extent of the soared determines the most appropriate treatment to be recommended in order to contain it. Screening in most cases is not often conclusive hence there is a need to combine with other tests (Roy, 2013). Medical practitioners advise that a person ought to go for screening at least once year. This is even when there are no symptoms that have been detected on the existence of cancer. Through screening, even the earliest development of cancer can be detected and contained.
Every type of cancer has very specific symptoms that characterize it. For instance, breast cancer will be identified by the presence of lumps in the breast. This, however, is not often conclusive and not all lumps in a breast are harmful. It is for this reason that a myriad of tests must be carried out, including testing the blood to fully ascertain that the cancer is in existence.
Stage of Cancer
Unlike other forms of illnesses, cancer is progressive in nature (Corner, 2009). When it begins, it is only a small section of the body, probably just a few cells that are cancerous. However, as time goes by and especially without medical attention, the disease tends to spread. The term stage in this case refers to the level or just how much the disease has progressed in the body of a person. It is often necessary to establish upon diagnosis the stage or level of the disease (Carr, 2012). This helps identify the best treatment for the patient. When the disease is at its very first stages, it can be managed and the cells maimed so that there is no replication. However, when the disease has progressed to an advanced stage, there is often not much that can be do...
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